Katie had been assigned a new patient earlier in the week, a Mr Montague. When she has heard his name she worried that Dominic had been injured, but it turned out it was his father after he had been moved from another ward. Katie was taking less time between shifts as her patient's problem was unknown, they were assuming a curse as the previous ward had found nothing.
Entering to the room, Katie glanced at the chair in the corner, she knew who usually ocupied it and also knew said occupier hadn't left the hospital since he had arrived. Sending a small smile that way, Katie picked up Mr Montague's chart from the bottom of the bed and began to run the required tests. Writing down everything with deep concentration, she really didn't want to make a mistake.
Turning as her name was spoken Katie set the chart back down where it belonged, her patient's condition still the same. Whispering she bet down infront of Dominic, "How long have you head it?" she was a little concerned. She doubted the man before her had been sleeping or eating properly and she needed to know some details before she could just hand out a potion.
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