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Kirley Duke wears more eyeliner than you ([info]specialk) wrote in [info]occultus,
Kirley frowned at Mouthy's next words. What if the Ministry did decide to keep a register of Muggleborns, just like they did with Werewolves? What if they didn't stop there and started herding them together into designated areas like Fascists? Random examples from history popped into his head, making him sink his teeth into his lower lip. Sometimes he wished he hadn't gone to Muggle primary school; then he wouldn't know about such things.

Chewing on his lip, he felt his eyes stinging and closed them, pulling himself together for the time being. Instinct made him check his journal and he mumbled a soft 'oh no' when he saw that O was hungry. Stroking Olly's hair while he wrote back, K wondered aloud, 'do you want to come back to the boat? Or do your puppies need you?'

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