Who: Ron and George Weasley
What: A Weasley brand of forgivness... mini-thread.
Where: WWW, Diagon Alley
When: Thursday 19th Jan
Rating: Maybe some naughty words.
Status: Complete
It had taken a while for George to respond to Ron's owl message but he knew Ron was sincere despite the few words he sent. Ron had never been a fan of the written word, especially when he was doing the writing, so George hadn't expected a four page letter of explaining why his little brother was an idiot.
Of course, George had gotten Fred's advice on the matter and decided the best course of action would be to confront Ron face to face. He figured if Ron was the one that wanted to apologise, he had to make the effort to come to him. Besides, any trouble and he was sure Fred or Verity would come out to the back room and back him up.
He was still a little angry about what Ron had said but more than anything he was tired and ready to put it all behind him and move on. So he waited in the back room for his brother to turn up, tinkering with one of the Invisibility Hats - that made the wearer headless - just for something to do.
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