George's eyes darted to the shelf as Ron whacked it with his elbow, watching warily the jar on it wobble a little before stablising again. He couldn't remember the name of exactly what was in it but it gave a mighty explosion when hit with a great force. Like the one it would have received if it had falling off the shelf.
"Careful." He warned, seeing the smile and feeling his own lips quirk up a little in reaction. Everything seemed to be right between them once more and George was pleased. In some ways it was good to have somewhat emotionally stunted brothers, things were easier to forgive and forget.
His smile became more noticeable when Ron explained what Marcus had done. He'd have to look it up in the journals later. "Ha! Nice," He actually let out a small laugh like sound. George leant back against his workbench and gave Ron an 'I told you so' look. "So admit it. Not all Slytherins are evil, are they?"
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