Ron apparated to Diagon as soon as he got George's reply. He had a break in training luckily, so he wouldn't be told off for skipping out on a session. If he was a little late for the gym afterward then so be it. Family was more important. Something he should have remembered from the start instead of jumping off at the deep end about the fact George's... boyfriend(?) was a Slytherin.
Stepping into the familiar shop, he fixed his gaze at the floor as soon as he spotted Fred, avoiding his older brother as he made his way through the building to the back room. Both Twins had tempers, but he was more scared of Fred; who could be outright nasty sometimes.
Slipping through the door, he let it click shut behind him and looked round for his brother, spotting a headless person in the corner who he assumed was George. 'Erm.. Hi.. I..' Ron shifted from foot to foot, reaching up to brush hair back from his eyes and snagging the elbow of his robes on a shelf corner in the process.
'Sorry I was a prat.'
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