Dari didn't exactly agree with Ashleigh's decision not to tell Ed about the baby, but she loved her best friend and she would never betray her confidence by repeating something she didn't want repeated. Whether she agreed with it or not, this was Ashleigh's decision and she was going to support her no matter what.
"I know," Dari murmured. She understood how Ashleigh felt. "We're going to get you through this, though." She paused and pulled back just enough to look at her friend. "Do you want to keep the baby?" she asked her. She couldn't imagine doing anything else if she'd been in her friends position, but once again, she would support Ashleigh, no matter what.
"I'm here, okay?" she was reassuring her a moment later. "I'm not going anywhere and you're going to get through this. I'll help. I'll do whatever I can."
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