Ashleigh nodded when the brunette assured her once again that she was going to be a great mother. She wasn't as sure as her friend seemed to be, but she knew that arguing with her was pointless. After all, if their positions were reversed, Ashleigh would be just as certain that Dari would make a great mother.
"I know, but... he's going to give up everything to help me raise this child... a child he shouldn't even be held responsible for. That's... I don't know, Dari. It feels selfish to let him do that. He won't listen, though. He just says that he's only ever wanted to have a family with me..."
Truth be told, that was what made her feel guilty. Ollie had true feelings for her, and she was taking advantage of that fact.
Ashleigh allowed Dari to help her up. Once they were both on their feet, though, she wrapped the Ravenclaw in a tight hug. "Thanks, Dari," she murmured. Knowing that they needed to get back, she didn't linger in the embrace. She simply wanted to show her how grateful she was to have her as a friend.
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