Backstory: Shortly after Cassie was born her mother left her with her father. When she was six her father, Scott, was sentenced to prison for three years for burglary. Once he was released he went straight and took a job at Stark Inc. Not long after Cassie went into heart failure as a result of a congenital defect. The only surgeon who could save her had been kidnapped and Cassie’s father became Ant-Man so he could save the surgeon (and consequently his daughter’s life).
Cassie quickly realized that her father was the new Ant-Man and stole pym particles to use on herself. The long-term exposure lead to permanent effects of the size changing kind later in life.
Before her powers became apparent Cassie had several adventures. When her father worked for the FF she met Kristoff Vernard and to her father’s mortification the two of them proceeded to crush on each other.
Several years later her father joined the Avengers. It was then that Cassie’s mom came back from out of nowhere, contested for custody, and won it on the basis that as an Avenger, Scott couldn’t properly take care of Cassie. Cassie hated her mother and step-father for taking her away from her father. Not long afterward, triggered by the stress of the situation, Cassie’s latent powers emerged and the teen superhero Stature.
Cassie got into a good college and double majored in biology and chemistry. She was doing very well, her GPA hovered around 4.0, and planned on going to grad school, thinking she could balance school with her “extracurricular” activities of beating up bad guys. Then a young Kang the Conqueror showed up. (Sliding the ages of at least these two to 19 when this happens instead of 16ish.)
Cassie and Kristoff had an on again off again relationship and “Iron Lad’s” appearance happened to occur during the off stage. Cassie and Iron Lad, or Nathaniel Richards, had a short, passionate relationship (perhaps better qualified as a fling). Iron Lad had to return to his own time and have his memory wiped so he could become Kang the Conqueror and leave the timelines unchanged but his presence in Cassie’s life had a marked effect, especially when she found out that Nate had left a going away present in the form of a baby. (Oops!)
Even though the child’s father was Kang the Conqueror, Cassie couldn’t bring herself to have an abortion, seeing a baby as one way Iron Lad’s legacy could go on.
Cassie didn’t go to grad school and tried holding down various jobs but she wasn’t able to quit being Stature. Between caring for a child and super heroing she didn’t have time for a job and after going through half a dozen jobs she gave up on employment entirely.
She joined the Avengers and stayed a member for several years until given the opportunity to join the Fantastic Four. Since the Invisible Woman had been her role model since she was a kid, and since Kristoff was on the team, it seemed obvious what her choice would be.
Goodbye Avengers!
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Bring her in with the Fantastic Four.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Set her up as a capable hero (who has the problem of not being as brilliant at least intellectually as other members of her time) who has to juggle beating people up with raising a six year old. There aren’t any specific plans yet but I’m sure there will be.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Kick ass and stand out as a member of the FF (as I’m sure she will, the team’s tiny enough for the spotlight on everyone). Grow as a woman and mother. Start to work things out with Kristoff. Deal with having a crazy, so not ordinary life.
Sample Post to come
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