Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Anna
AIM (if you have one): TinuvielSilmaril
Character Name: Artemis Maximoff
Character LJ (if applicable): I’ll let you know when I have one.
Physical description (face, build, weight): Artemis is tall, around 6 feet, and her standard weight (without her altering it) is about 200 pounds. She is made out of durable metals and is gold colored.
Age: Technically two and a half with the social maturity of a two year old, the emotional maturity of a six year old, and massive intellectual capability.
PB: (If using one.) Nope
Abilities: Artemis can control her density, becoming intangible or becoming heavier (the upper limit being two tons but with extreme concentration needed to achieve this). She can shoot lasers from her eyes. She requires exposure to the sun to charge herself.
Being an android, she can interface with computers and has good hacking skills. She also has good mechanical skills, her father has been teaching her how to repair and maintain her body. She doesn’t yet have knowledge of the workings of machines.
Weaknesses and flaws: Me, me, me, me, I, I, I, I, now, now, now, now. Artemis is extremely self centered, socially and emotionally immature (compared to anyone above two) and is still learning how to use her powers and how to navigate the world (and I don’t mean by boat).
Character location/Home: Her parents have a house in the suburbs not far from Avengers Mansion but she is familiar with the Avengers Mansion very well since her parents have brought her there from time to time.
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Vision (father), Wanda Maximoff (Mother), Ultron (grandfather), Magneto (grandfather- possibly dead?), Pietro Maximoff (Uncle) and others established in canon (Lorna, Magda, possibly Billy and Tommy depending on their IC existence, etc.)
Backstory: When Artemis’s parents, Wanda and Vision, wanted to have children but were rejected as candidates for adoption given their lifestyles, Vision set to work on creating an android child. Artemis was patterned after her father and her design strongly resembles Vision’s, though with improvements. Artemis was made from a strong, dense metal designed to withstand super powered attacks and explosions.
Once completed Artemis began her life much as a normal child would. She needs exposure and experience to learn and develop and for the first two years of her life Vision and Wanda kept her at home, inviting friends and family to meet her when they deemed her ready, and taking care to expose her to new environments and situations.
Artemis and Vision directly interface every three to four months so that Vision can make needed tweaks on Artemis’s programming as she ages. Her programming forms connections in a similar way to the connections made by the brain of a developing child. Psychologically she essentially works the same way as a human but Artemis’s artificial body makes things a lot more complicated.
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