Dreams & Lights
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Jeff
Email: Chasejyd@blarg.net
AIM (if you have one): dajyd
Character Name: Lucas Moonstar/Dreamcatcher
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): Tall, lithe native American, long hair.
Age: 16
PB: (If using one.) Alex Meraz
Lucas is a dream-path, similar to his mother's abilities to reach into the minds of herself or others and manifest their beliefs, except that Lucas can both reach into, or even enter and affect dreams and related states. He has shown a talent for shamanic white magic, and is in the very early stages of training, able to manifest minor abilities and tricks.
He has the following abilities:
1. He can enter a sleeping person's dreams and become a 'character' within them, able to act on his own will, and with his own abilities and nature, affect the course of the dream and interact with the person. While normally he needs to be able to touch someone to do this, he has been able to attune himself to dreamcatchers, owing to the societal belief in them. If he makes a dreamcatcher for someone, and they place it over their bed, he can enter their dreams at will.
2. He can perceive and fully interact with ghosts, astral forms and possessing entities, even inside a body. He can return astral forms to their native bodies, or banish them fully to the astral plane if they have none, and drive possessing entities out of a person.
Like many psychics, he can enter the Astral plane, and in fact does so with tremendous ease and facility. He can travel astrally, acting as a nearly invisible spy in the world, able to travel very rapidly. Unlike most psychics, he has shown no limit to how long he can remain astral, other than the fact his body will still dehydrate or starve if left unattended.
Because of his ability to send other Astral forms 'home', he is almost supreme in the Astral realm, being right at home in a realm affected more by dreams and perceptions than natural laws.
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