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Character Name: Wanda Maximoff
Character LJ (if applicable): witchywoman
Physical description (face, build, weight): Curly auburn hair, hazel eyes. Curvy and slightly athletic. Average height
Age: 40s
PB: (If using one.) Nope
Abilities: Probability affecting hexes, moderate magical abilities
Weaknesses and flaws: While she can have a good deal of control over her hexes, usually she has no idea what will happen to the items or people she casts a hex on.
Character location/Home: Avengers Mansion, also has a home in the suburbs
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Pietro Maximoff (brother, living) Vision (husband, living) Artemis (daughter, living) Lorna Dane (half-sister, living) Luna Maximoff (niece, living) Magneto (father, I don’t know if he’s living?) Magda (mother, deceased) Django (adoptive father, deceased) and an adoptive mother also deceased
Backstory: I’d like to have her canon cut off be shortly after the twins got “lost” to Mephisto. She has her memory of them but she didn’t go evil after that because ugh. That was stupid.
After that she and Vision were separate but he regained his emotions and they got back together. Instead of trying for kids again Vision built Artemis and they’re raising her as their own child.
She’s still an Avenger but has scaled back on her duties.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?:
She’s still an Avenger so she’d be hanging out at Avengers Mansion, maybe talking to her older teammates.
What are you planning to do with this character?
She’ll be around to mentor the younger Avengers and to get in on some plots that require adults.
What do you want to see happen with this character?:
I’d like to see her come to terms with aging and not being the spring flower she once was. Also want to see her interactions with the younger gen because she’s always had that mother hen type personality.
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