04 October 2012 @ 10:16 am
The following characters have been dropped:

Joseph Richardson
Kris Forrester
Mark Walker
Scotty Roberts
Spencer Lewis
Alicia Watson
Billy Duncan
Calvin Rosser
Casey Kesterson
Chelle Roberts
Evey Summers
James Turner
Kasia Stephens
Sage Greene
Scott Wyzisky
Tiffany Hartman

Please make sure you update your flists.

I am also going to be instituting a cap of 20 characters per player. Please also remember to try and spread out your genders/years when applying for additional characters. I will be doing some pimping ASAP, so make sure you go to the wanted page and make your requests for potential players to consider! ♥
30 September 2012 @ 02:05 pm
Hellooooooo, everyone!

I meant to do this a few weeks ago, but life sort of got away from me. ANYWAY, this post is to let you know that Mouse Race is officially off of hiatus and open for business. As it is now September, rather than skipping over several months of in-game time, we are switching the game over to REAL TIME. That means that it is also September 30th in-game.

This, of course, means that school has been in session for a few weeks. You are free to backdate any scenes you wish (or to go back an play in the thread for the party Jase & Jeremy hosted at their new all-ages club on August 30th).

You can see a general school year schedule here and an events calendar can be found here.

And please feel free to pimp. ;) There are only a few of us left and we could use a few more players!
01 April 2012 @ 09:35 am
It's time for you to let us know who's still around. Here's your form:

Be sure to check the contact page and make sure we have all your correct contact information.

Anyone who has not commented by Sunday April 8 will be removed from the game.

Thank you!

♥ MR Mods

checklist )
22 March 2012 @ 04:53 am
Betta has decided to drop Andre, so please copy and paste the following code into the console and update your flists.:

As always, we are in need of more freshman characters, so please considering applying for one (or more).
14 March 2012 @ 07:22 am
Reminders, etc.  
It is currently Wednesday August 14th, 2011 in game. Classes for Arcadia High School will resume on Tuesday September 10th, 2011. For the alums who will be attending Northwestern, orientation and dorm opening for freshmen will be on September 12th. New student registration will be on the 15th of September. Classes at Northwestern will begin on September 20th.

Upcoming Birthdays:
August 20th - Bryant Sawyer
August 28th - Evey Summers & Johnny Johnson

September 1st - Kevin Pavlos
September 2nd - Shane Stephens

Also, we are still very much in need of freshmen students. Please consider making a freshman if you feel you can handle additional characters! We only have a few in-game right now. Once the freshman class fills up more, additional slots will be opened for the other classes, as well!

Upcoming Events:
If your character is interested in hosting a kind of back-to-school party as summer vacation wraps up, please let us know!

ETA: Scribbld broke our old holds page. The new one is here.
04 March 2012 @ 10:13 pm
Please run the friend/all, everybody, as Betta has decided to drop a few characters (Josh, Darion and Kat) and Lena has decided to add one.
26 February 2012 @ 01:11 am
Events, etc.  
Attention, campers!

New calendars have finally been added to the mod journal for July-September (aka February-April in current time). You can view those here. Make sure you tell Lena how awesome she is for taking the time to code those up. ;)

We've also been slacking on the weekly event & birthday reminder posts. Sorry about that. You can always see the list of IC birthdays here, JSYAK.

Upcoming birthdays this week:

July 25th - Joseph Richardson

No major events this week that we are aware of, but Dari did host a party on Saturday.

Also, as a reminder, please make sure you are posting large images inside a cut tag. The same goes for multiple images in one post.

This post has been brought to you by the letters F and U. And the number 69.

01 February 2012 @ 07:33 am
Roll Call!  
Heeeeey, party people!

It's time to check in and let us know if you're still with us! Please comment to this post using the following form to let us know you're still around!

Before filling this out, please check the contact page and make sure we have all your correct contact information.

Anyone who has not commented by Wednesday February 8th will be removed from the game.

Thank you!

♥ MR Mods

checklist )
30 January 2012 @ 10:20 am
Weekly Roundup: June 30th-July 5th, 2011  
Hello, Mouse Race! Welcome to the week of June 30th-July 5th, 2011!

June 30th - Melia Ridley
July 4th - Owen Walker

Be sure to check out the thread for Melia's surprise birthday party here

Upcoming birthdays after this week are
July 7th - Alicia Watson
July 17th - Josh Roberts
July 25th - Joseph Richardson
Feel free to plan/plot accordingly!

None! Have an event idea? Let us know!

Check out [info]mrgossipgirl for the latest gossip.
Be sure to have your characters leave some IC gossip at the drop post!

Gossip doesn't have to be remotely factual, but as a courtesy, please give your fellow players a heads up if you'll be submitting something about their character(s).
22 January 2012 @ 03:32 pm
June 22nd-28th Plot Points!  
No birthdays or events to speak of this week!

However, please note that all of your characters will have received an invitation for Melia's surprise birthday party to be held next week.

Please also make sure your friends list is up to date, as we've had a lot of new adds recently.

Finally, if you have any "gossip" for your character that should be making the rounds, comment to this post and we'll edit it in. ♥

P.S. Please also note the holds page has been revised again to reflect a cap of 8 boys and 8 girls for each grade level. Please keep this in mind when placing your holds/sending in your applications. :) The caps may be lifted or increased once the list evens out.
20 January 2012 @ 05:03 pm
Summertime Discussion!  
As you all know, it's summer vacation for our MR kids. Inquiring minds want to know -- what are your kids doing on their summer vacation? Summer jobs? If so, where? Family vacations? If so, where and when? Anything in particular you want to accomplish for your character over the summer? Discuss that here, too!

Just comment with your characters and what they are doing all summer! Let's plot it up!

Posted via Journaler.
19 January 2012 @ 10:56 pm
Character Limit  
Hey, kids! Here's the deal!

We are lifting the character limit for now. HOWEVER, we are putting a CAP on Sophomore and Junior girls right now, since right now we have WAY TOO MANY of those. So if you want to play a girl, you need to make it a Senior or a Freshman. If you're playing a guy, you can put him in any year you want.

Lena & Crystal
16 January 2012 @ 02:06 pm
Hello, players!

To make sure that we are keeping up to date with our active players, we have decided to institute a formal roll call here at Mouse Race in lieu of an activity check. Each month, we will make a post to this community. Players will have one week to respond. Anyone who does not respond will be assumed to have lost interest and will be removed from the game without further warning.

Just a few additional notes on this policy:

→ Because we are no longer requiring a set amount of activity, we will not be honoring hiatuses. You may play as much or as little as you are able, so long as you respond to the roll call post each month.
→ We will continue to monitor activity and take it into consideration when reviewing applications for additional characters. We won't be doing a formal check and issuing monthly warnings, but we will still reserve the right to deny additional characters to those we feel are not being active with the characters they already have.
→ We encourage you to still be as active as you are able. We want you guys to WANT to play. If there are characters you no longer feel connected to, we ask that you consider dropping them to free up those pb's and storylines for others. We all know how much it sucks to be tied to characters and plot that aren't being played.
→ If we see you responding to the roll call, but being excessively inactive with your characters, we will be contacting you to ask you to either become more active or consider dropping some characters. As stated above, it's not fair to the other players to hold onto characters and plot that aren't getting played.
We hope that we have been clear about the new rules here, but if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to bring them to us. Either way, we ask that you PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS POST letting us know that you have read it and understand the new guidelines.

14 January 2012 @ 10:27 pm


I NEED THIS INFO FOR THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS: Alex Santiago, Kris Forrester, Maggie Holland, Mark Walker, & Scotty Roberts.


♥ Lena-shaped Mod
06 December 2011 @ 12:25 am
1. Betta has a new character. Please update your flists.
2. Lena has changed Tiffany Hartman's PB to Renee Olstead.
05 December 2011 @ 12:03 am
As you may have noticed, it is now May in-game here at Mouse Race and that means prom is right around the corner - on the 30th, to be exact. That means your characters should be lining up who'll they'll be taking, taking about the theme, shopping for dresses, wondering who will take whom, etc. Feel free to update accordingly!

To make sure everyone is on the same page and keep everything organized, we're putting up this little OOC post to sort out who is asking whom to the prom. Only juniors and seniors will be able to attend unless they are they date of someone in a lower class.

In the comments, you will find a separate thread for every female character currently in the game. If your character will be asking that character to attend the prom as his or her date, just leave a comment on their thread. The player will comment back to confirm whether they will be accepting. Feel free to add any details as to how they went about asking, etc!

Of course, you're free to play out your character asking others to the prom. We just felt this would be a simple way to hold a discussion for those who don't want to thread it out as well as keep track of who is going with whom!
01 December 2011 @ 09:58 pm
UPDATE YOUR FLISTS, Y'ALL! We've done some removals as a result of the roll call. :)
05 September 2011 @ 11:45 pm
Please update your flists to remove Trin's Tressa and add 3 new characters from Crystal and Lena. :D
24 August 2011 @ 07:58 am
Events Calendars!  
Hey, y'all!

I've gone ahead and done the events calendars for the rest of the school year. *\O/* You can find them here.

I think that rather than playing the summer in real time, we'll start up with September 2011 again in February OR we could use February to play the summer (aka July and August) and have March 1st in real time = September 1st in game time. What do y'all think? Since the focus on the game is high school, I don't want to devote too much time to the summer break, but a month should give us enough time to play out anything we need to from summer vacation, y/y?

♥ Lena

I would also like to apologize for my personal lack of being around lately. The last few weeks have been kind of hectic, but I'm hoping to get caught up soon.
02 August 2011 @ 03:54 pm
Spin the bottle...  
Sooo the second round of spin the bottle was done a couple of days ago. Do your characters want a third round or would they all be ready to quit? Comment and let us know who was still interested in playing ICly and if there's enough interest, we'll roll for one last round. ;) Include any newly apped/approved characters, too, if you wish and let us know if they played the last round and just kissed NPCs, etc, or if they missed the first two rounds and joined in late! ♥