18 April 2011 @ 09:01 pm
Oh Hi. I'm Trin. I'm forgetful and Lazy and Sick and fascinated by the fact our housemate brought home some young thing. Yep I'm easily amused. I've got Tressa Cornick here for everyone. She's a Senior, working class poor folk, lost both her parents and has two older brothers. She's on track to join the Marines out of school. Read about her here and Give her some love?

as always, @ trinitynikol on aim
26 February 2011 @ 11:58 am
Because I'm awesome (and have the shortest intro list): I'm Trin and I bring you Tressa Cornick. My beloved little soon-to-be Marine chick. She has two twin elder brothers (*hinthint*) and lost her parents at age 12.She's spunky and determined. :) She's made of win, I promise. Tressa is an MMA fanatic, and with her brother Charles owning a gym, she spends free time there. She's all right here for your viewing pleasure. Oh, ya'll know where to find me: trinitynikol , use it and abuse it.