05 September 2011 @ 11:40 pm
So, Crystal has two new characters.

→ Spencer "Spence" Lewis. Kind of a dork, but REALLY outgoing and talkative. Flirts with all the girls, probably gets shot down a LOT, though, because he's kind of dorky. His parents are divorced and his step-dad has a bajillion kids, so he has some step-siblings at school, but they don't really talk to him at school. Plays sports, but isn't super good at them and rides the bench a lot.

→ Scotty Roberts. Egotistical, charming, wanna be rock star. His big ambition is to form a band and make it big. He's really outgoing and he's a big flirt, so he pretty much knows everyone ever. Especially the hot chicks. Just saying. His journal is [info]scottyrocks.


♥ Crystal
22 May 2011 @ 08:30 pm

I apologize for being MIA this month. I've been so busy since the beginning of May. A friend of mine graduated from college. (Party.) I had a birthday. (Party.) My other friend had a birthday. (Party.) Another friend of mine is having a birthday next week. (Party.) It's kind of ridiculous. On top of that, we're remodeling our house.

I'm planning to do better as a mod and player.
