01 February 2012 @ 07:33 am
Roll Call!  
Heeeeey, party people!

It's time to check in and let us know if you're still with us! Please comment to this post using the following form to let us know you're still around!

Before filling this out, please check the contact page and make sure we have all your correct contact information.

Anyone who has not commented by Wednesday February 8th will be removed from the game.

Thank you!

♥ MR Mods

checklist )
31 January 2012 @ 09:51 am
Hey guys, Sabrina's back here too!

This time I'm sticking with one character. If I don't spread myself too thin, I should be able to manage this as well. That being said, I hope I can has plots here too!

Meet my girl Arianna Reese. Some of you may know her from another game, but she's slightly different here. She's currently 15, turning 16 in January and a sophomore. While she's not involved with school extracurricular activities, she does a lot with her church. She works at a soup kitchen every weekend, attends youth group one night a week, goes on Bible retreats every couple of month (usually over the weekend) and is a counselor at a Summer Bible camp.

Arianna can sing, though she never does it in front of people. She's shy like that. So while she's very active in her church and has firm morals and values, she isn't goody-goody. She does go to parties where she'll drink and have fun. She's just not promiscuous. She's saving herself for marriage and saving her first kiss for someone worthy of it. When she does go to parties and drinks, it's always responsibly. She usually only drinks until she gets a buzz and then stops. She likes to remain in control of herself and her choices and she never drives or gets in a car with someone who has been drinking. She calls her parents for a ride.

You can check out her profile for more information if you'd like. Give me love please? :D
30 January 2012 @ 10:20 am
Weekly Roundup: June 30th-July 5th, 2011  
Hello, Mouse Race! Welcome to the week of June 30th-July 5th, 2011!

June 30th - Melia Ridley
July 4th - Owen Walker

Be sure to check out the thread for Melia's surprise birthday party here

Upcoming birthdays after this week are
July 7th - Alicia Watson
July 17th - Josh Roberts
July 25th - Joseph Richardson
Feel free to plan/plot accordingly!

None! Have an event idea? Let us know!

Check out [info]mrgossipgirl for the latest gossip.
Be sure to have your characters leave some IC gossip at the drop post!

Gossip doesn't have to be remotely factual, but as a courtesy, please give your fellow players a heads up if you'll be submitting something about their character(s).
26 January 2012 @ 08:01 am
Melia's Party!  
Since some people have been asking, here are my characters' plans for Melia's upcoming surprise birthday party.

cut for long list )

Cindy and I will have a party thread up, probably this weekend so people can start playing things out in advance if they want. :D We still have to find pictures and things to pretty it up, so look for that tomorrowish!
23 January 2012 @ 11:26 pm

Please add [info]mrgossipgirl to your friends lists ASAP!

Trust me, this is relevant to your interests!
23 January 2012 @ 10:15 pm

Meet Bethany Meyers. She's a freshman. She's lived there here whole life. It's possible people know here through her step-siblings. Deep down, she wants to believe in love. She just doesn't think it last. If she dates someone she bails as it starts to get serious. Serial dater. SHE WANTS TO GET SERIOUS. But she panics and flees. She parties, smoke, writes. Big Sylvia Plath fan.

THEN. I have Evan Rosser. You all know him. (Seth Kane's BFF) Popular, plays football, really good, junior. PLOTS? PLEASE!
22 January 2012 @ 08:51 pm
Take a look at my plot sheets! ive added all my new characters! feel free to add things!!! to make notes and propose plot!!!!!
22 January 2012 @ 07:15 pm
HEY GUYS.  This is Johnny.  He's a freshman.  Around Christmas he lost his mom in a car accident.  A car accident HE was also involved in.  An accident on a trip that he INSISTED on.  To say that he feels guilty is an understatement.  IT WOULD BE AWESOME IF SOMEONE APPED HIS OLDER BROTHER!   JUST SAYING.  So he kind of keeps to himself a bit.  Has a close friend or two.  


There's luke Forrester.  http://www.scribbld.com/users/lukability/488.html#cutid1

He's another that's anti bully.  He is kind of studious.  He knows how to have fun.  And he does basketball. You can read up on him at the link!  he's a soph!  He's obviously little bro to Jase and Kris. 
22 January 2012 @ 07:21 pm


Just saying.
22 January 2012 @ 10:19 pm
Hey guys this is Chance.  He's a sophomore.  Junior! I'm stupid! He's REALLY innocent.  Orphan what is up with me making all these people with troubled backgrounds?  I'm lame who witnessed his parents death.  Made a virginity pledge right before they died.  His dad was a preacher, mom stayed home.  He's lonely and supporting of his family and friends, but wants love.  He hasn't even really kissed people.

He's fun, sweet, likes being there for people, very guarded.  Plot?  Pretty please?  My chars need plot!  ALL OF THEM!  
22 January 2012 @ 04:01 pm
This is probably going to be my last character for a little while. Don't want to clog up the cast list any more when there are caps in place and all of that!

Anyway, meet Kasia Stephens. She is Shane's big sister, though not by much! They are only 10 months apart!

Kasia is a junior. She's 16 as of November 15th. She's a sweetheart, but she also has a lot of spunk to her. She doesn't really like studying, but she works hard for good grades because she wants to be a doctor some day.

You can read all about her here!

I'm really excited about her, so please to be giving us plot!

♥ Lena
22 January 2012 @ 03:32 pm
June 22nd-28th Plot Points!  
No birthdays or events to speak of this week!

However, please note that all of your characters will have received an invitation for Melia's surprise birthday party to be held next week.

Please also make sure your friends list is up to date, as we've had a lot of new adds recently.

Finally, if you have any "gossip" for your character that should be making the rounds, comment to this post and we'll edit it in. ♥

P.S. Please also note the holds page has been revised again to reflect a cap of 8 boys and 8 girls for each grade level. Please keep this in mind when placing your holds/sending in your applications. :) The caps may be lifted or increased once the list evens out.
22 January 2012 @ 05:56 am
Meet Andre! He is a 6'5" basketball player. He's trying to decide to leave school at the end of junior year to go pro or finish. He's also got some older brothers that are trying to tempt him into being involved with a gang. He's a bit of player, but he's a little more sweet subtle than Chris. More of a serial semi-monogamist where he doesn't screw everyone at the same time like Chris he gets in a little sweet fling and let's it takes its course then moves to the next one. He wants a steady girlfriend at some point, but not now. He's really friendly, claims to be friends with everyone, and moves freely between cliques not really a part of any one circle.

OK fine I won't be a dork and post 3 posts even though I want to. I'll just post two.

There's also Darion Holmes. He's a bad boy. His bio is here http://www.scribbld.com/users/playwithfire/384.html#cutid1 he is a wannabe gang member that likes to bully people and stir the pot and start shit between people. Mostly he just wants to be loved after his mother was murdered a few years ago, but he's lashing out by being a criminal? I dunno he's intense. And is going to be SO fun to play with! Yay for villains!
21 January 2012 @ 11:53 pm

This is Owen Walker.  He's nice.  Unless he's tired or hungry.  Then he might be grumpy and snappy.  He likes sports.  He's friendly.  He dislikes bullies.  SORRY BETTA.  But if he sees it, he'll tell Chris where he can go.  And it won't be pretty.  He stands up for others.  He's contemplating the army in his future but no one knows that.  His dads in London and he sees him sometimes.  His dad lives there with the wife he cheated on and his first son.  Not ideal.  But thats his life.  


Perdy please?

With sugar on top?
22 January 2012 @ 06:08 am
I'm about to spam you. You're warned  
This is Lucas! He's a cutie. He's a sophomore and he started school in the middle of Freshman year after being bullied at his last school. Some mean kids glued fairy wings to his locker and after years of torment his mom decided to transfer him. He's really fun. VERY gay, but he's not totally out of the closet yet. I mean everyone KNOWS he's gay, but he feels like he should still try to be with some girls just to you know be sure. ;) He's fun. He needs a best FRAND to go shopping with! He's SUPER RICH! Check out his bio and give me some plots!
21 January 2012 @ 10:55 am
Pretty sure I'm almost done with new characters. :P

Anytime, this is Billy! Billy just moved towards the end of last year. He was a sophomore then, is going to be a junior. He's an army brat. His dad has been moving them around since he was a baby, so he's kind of the perpetual new kid. As such, he doesn't like to get close to people. He likes to party and stuff, though. He.. has a few issues, LOL. Check out his bio in his journal!

And give us plot!

♥ Lena

The rest of you people should go app some more characters so I'm not the only free spamming the OOC.
21 January 2012 @ 01:38 am
Annnnd here is new character number.. whatever. I've lost count. :P

Meet Teddy. Teddy is a good, Catholic boy. He's playful and silly and likes to have fun, but he knows when and how to be serious. He's super loyal and protective of his friends and is just an all around great guy, so you should read his bio and give him some plot!

♥ Lena
20 January 2012 @ 05:03 pm
Summertime Discussion!  
As you all know, it's summer vacation for our MR kids. Inquiring minds want to know -- what are your kids doing on their summer vacation? Summer jobs? If so, where? Family vacations? If so, where and when? Anything in particular you want to accomplish for your character over the summer? Discuss that here, too!

Just comment with your characters and what they are doing all summer! Let's plot it up!

Posted via Journaler.
20 January 2012 @ 12:21 pm

Super fast, because I REALLY have to go to work --

This hottie is Jamie Johnson. He is Ryan Johnson's twin brother. He is made of awesomesauce. He's a musician, he's usually friendly, though he has his broody periods. He is still a virgin and doesn't really whore around a lot, though he has made out with multiple girls and he probably wouldn't STOP one who was overly aggressive about it. IDEK.

ANYWAY. He needs friends. ALSO, CRYSTAL, Cindy and I were talking about how it would be cool if he and Ryan and Scotty started a band together. LMK what you think about that!

GIMME THE PLOTS, PEOPLE! Here or IM me to chat!

♥ Lena
19 January 2012 @ 10:56 pm
Character Limit  
Hey, kids! Here's the deal!

We are lifting the character limit for now. HOWEVER, we are putting a CAP on Sophomore and Junior girls right now, since right now we have WAY TOO MANY of those. So if you want to play a girl, you need to make it a Senior or a Freshman. If you're playing a guy, you can put him in any year you want.

Lena & Crystal