Hey guys, Sabrina's back here too!
This time I'm sticking with one character. If I don't spread myself too thin, I should be able to manage this as well. That being said, I hope I can has plots here too!
Meet my girl Arianna Reese. Some of you may know her from another game, but she's slightly different here. She's currently 15, turning 16 in January and a sophomore. While she's not involved with school extracurricular activities, she does a lot with her church. She works at a soup kitchen every weekend, attends youth group one night a week, goes on Bible retreats every couple of month (usually over the weekend) and is a counselor at a Summer Bible camp.
Arianna can sing, though she never does it in front of people. She's shy like that. So while she's very active in her church and has firm morals and values, she isn't goody-goody. She does go to parties where she'll drink and have fun. She's just not promiscuous. She's saving herself for marriage and saving her first kiss for someone worthy of it. When she does go to parties and drinks, it's always responsibly. She usually only drinks until she gets a buzz and then stops. She likes to remain in control of herself and her choices and she never drives or gets in a car with someone who has been drinking. She calls her parents for a ride.
You can check out her profile for more information if you'd like. Give me love please? :D
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