melly sullivan
18 November 2011 @ 12:05 am
OOC: Spring Break Plans  
Sooo, as some of my characters have noted, Spring Break officially starts after school tomorrow in-game-wise. I thought it MIGHT be a good idea to work out who made plans to go where so we can plot up things that could potentially happen during said break.


Melly is going to Cancun. As discussed elsewhere, so are Abbie, Benjy, Aaron, Mark, Maggie and Sage. Is anyone else going with them? Melly says pretty much everyone is welcome! Cindy, did Aaron drag his siblings along, too? Crystal, what about Ollie and Libby? Did they go with the group or find their own fun?

Dari and Jeremy went to some super-seekrit location. She has no idea where, ask Jeremy.

Ed is dragging Ashleigh off to some romantic getaway.

Alicia and Chandler are staying in Chicago, because they is po'. At some point, though, Ana and Chandler are running away to a cheap hotel room for a little ALONE time.

That leave Bry & Savannah, James & Kris, Jase, Evey, Bri, Chelle and Jules... most, if not all, of them could be content to go along with the group or go elsewhere, depending on if anyone wants to claim their company during the break? Bri is iffy... she probably stayed home unless Savannah or Rob dragged her away somewhere.

Discuss in comments! I'm going to make a separate comment thread for the Cancun trip since that seems to be where most people went!
18 November 2011 @ 02:53 am
Hey guys!

My name is Betta and I'm an rp-aholic.  I gave it up for a long time and resounded to just playing with myself :-O and writing books, but then someone tempted me with asking if I'd ever rp-ed and I was all yeah, but I don't like the drama and she's like there's no drama and I'm like what type of characters do you play and then she's like telling me about super awesome rp! and I'm like SUPER AWESOME and then she's all MAKE ALL THE DRAMA!  And so I did.  Then she's like this little girl is so sad and lonely and has no love and I'm like I have this charismatic guy whose a cutie and she's like YES!  Then her friend is all like I WANT TO PLAY WITH THE NEW GIRL!

And thus the new girl is over here with not one but 2 characters to make all the love and happiness and joy.

And if you read that and didn't smile or roll your eyes you have no soul and I don't play with soulless monsters!

just kidding

Only schizos who write down what the voices in their head say! Because we all know the difference between us and them is we write down what the people in our heads say.


In seriousness though, I made Leslie and Josh from ouad.  Same pbs and relatively same history.  Adjusted for age naturally.  Josh is [info]jrpushing. Looking forward to playing!