02 August 2011 @ 09:18 am
Because a certain someone has poked me about it a few times, I'm going to go ahead and raise the character limit to 16. That's four characters per year. I would PREFER you keep it 2 boys and 2 girls. This isn't a hard and fast rule, but when we have fewer boys than girls in the game and things like NYE kisses and school dances come up, there's a chunk of characters who get left out of things because of uneven numbers.

Also, if you are near the limit, choose your characters wisely, because it will not be going up again. 16 characters per player is the HIGHEST it's going to go. It's only going this high, because of Lena's OCD tendencies and wanting to have an EVEN number for each grade rather than odd

At present count, we have about 5 more girls than boys in-game. Please to be apping some for me? Crystal will give you sexual favors if you do.

I'm going to stop babbling now.
evey summers
02 August 2011 @ 01:06 pm
Lena has a couple more characters. We all saw this coming, right?

The first one is Evey Summers here, who you'll probably recognize from LAWKI and OUAD. Evey is a flirt. She's VERY ADD when it comes to boys. She falls in "L-O=V-E" easily and often, hooks up with one guy and then the next week (or, you know, day) she's completely head over heels for someone else. So, obviously she needs some exes. Who were probably technically cheated on before things ended. Lol. She also needs FRIENDS! Evey is a cheerleader, so she definitely knows the jocks, etc. And some frenemies, because she does have a tendency to not mind if someone else's boyfriend wants to make out with her. At 15, she's still technically a virgin, buuuut it probably would be hard for a hot guy to get her to third base, at least. Just sayin.

Of course, I wanted to maintain my even boy/girl ration, so my other character is a boy. You might recognize him from LAWKI, although I haven't been playing him there for very long. His name is Benjy Kane. At LAWKI, he was the son of Ben and Libby. Here, he is a cousin to the Kanes who are NPCs for the purposes of this game. He was born in Blackshear, but when he was 14, his dad got a transfer to Chicago. That was winter of his freshman year. He's now a senior, so obviously he's been in Chicago for awhile. Benjy is a flirt. He'll do relationships, but they tend to be short. He prefers being a free agent so he can flirt with multiple girls. His preference is for brunettes, but he'll flirt with just about anyone. He could use friends, exes, flings, etc. He plays football and is pretty popular, so everyone should know him! His journal is [info]georgiaboy.

Two more characters to come, but their apps aren't done, yet. LOL.

02 August 2011 @ 03:54 pm
Spin the bottle...  
Sooo the second round of spin the bottle was done a couple of days ago. Do your characters want a third round or would they all be ready to quit? Comment and let us know who was still interested in playing ICly and if there's enough interest, we'll roll for one last round. ;) Include any newly apped/approved characters, too, if you wish and let us know if they played the last round and just kissed NPCs, etc, or if they missed the first two rounds and joined in late! ♥
02 August 2011 @ 04:05 pm

Meet Hope Felicity Pitt.

Freshman. Innocent. Naive. Has a boyfriend that presures her. WHich should be apped. JUST SAYING. loves dance. obsessed with pennies and luck. pretty outgoing. has some insecurities. Read her up!