04 October 2012 @ 10:16 am
The following characters have been dropped:

Joseph Richardson
Kris Forrester
Mark Walker
Scotty Roberts
Spencer Lewis
Alicia Watson
Billy Duncan
Calvin Rosser
Casey Kesterson
Chelle Roberts
Evey Summers
James Turner
Kasia Stephens
Sage Greene
Scott Wyzisky
Tiffany Hartman

Please make sure you update your flists.

I am also going to be instituting a cap of 20 characters per player. Please also remember to try and spread out your genders/years when applying for additional characters. I will be doing some pimping ASAP, so make sure you go to the wanted page and make your requests for potential players to consider! ♥
30 September 2012 @ 02:05 pm
Hellooooooo, everyone!

I meant to do this a few weeks ago, but life sort of got away from me. ANYWAY, this post is to let you know that Mouse Race is officially off of hiatus and open for business. As it is now September, rather than skipping over several months of in-game time, we are switching the game over to REAL TIME. That means that it is also September 30th in-game.

This, of course, means that school has been in session for a few weeks. You are free to backdate any scenes you wish (or to go back an play in the thread for the party Jase & Jeremy hosted at their new all-ages club on August 30th).

You can see a general school year schedule here and an events calendar can be found here.

And please feel free to pimp. ;) There are only a few of us left and we could use a few more players!
08 July 2012 @ 12:54 pm
on the off chance anyone is still around...  
Obviously, this community has been pretty dead for a few months. We're not quite giving up on it, but we're putting it on a bit of a hiatus for the summer. We're going to try to pick things back up in September with the start of the school year, so rather than having to figure out what month it is in-game, we will be running in real time (except, you know, without bumping up any ages, since the game was still stuck in 2011 :P)

You are free to play out anything you want from the summer, as we are basically pushing time back at this point (it's July in real time and in MR time, rather than being fall already, basically).

This post also serves as a check-in post to see who is still with us. If you are still interested in playing once we re-open in the fall, please comment and let us know. If you wish to drop any characters, feel free to let us know that, too. If we don't hear from you before September 1st, we're going to assume you aren't interested and remove your characters from the game.

And, as stated, for those of you who ARE still around, you are more than welcome to play out any of the summer things you would like to play. We just won't be running activity checks, etc until September.

♥ MR Mods
10 May 2012 @ 12:36 pm
The semester? It's almost over. It ends next Tuesday. I have a very fearsome dentist appointment Wednesday. (I Havent gone in almost...3 years? Due to lack of insurance. I save up the money for at least a cleaning. We'll see what the damage is. Please wish me luck.) And then work. But I will probably be popping on sporadically as I have the opportunity!

SO tell me what I missed. Tell me what we want to play.

I'm SO happy to be DONE with school and back. It's really a miracle I survived. The single most stressful 5 months I have had in a really long time. I'm sorry I had to take a break. I really missed the game and all of you. I just couldn't keep up at school between classes, homework, projects, working too much (because I spend 85-90 a week in gas. YIKES) and outside things. I was stressed and falling behind. Skipping class A to do catch up for B.

Next semester since I was able to register at the beginning. Rather than 2 weeks before classes begin....and I have a DAMN GOOD schedule. At least by looks. 10/10:30-3/3:30. Hopefully my coursework isn't as intense this time. Or if it is, I know I have a few classes with repeat classmates. We're discussing a switch off with doing the hw :) lol giving each other a break period.

Anyway. Done with the rambling. And giving you information you probably don't care about or want to know. BUT IM ME. LETS CHAT...DISCUSS...PLOT....PLAN...TAKE OVER...I mean.


Lots of Love,
01 May 2012 @ 08:30 am
ACTIVITY CHECK, TIME! You guys know the drill - comment if you're still around. Anyone who doesn't comment by May 8th will be removed. ♥

Don't forget to check the contact page and make sure we have all your correct contact information.

Anyone who has not commented by May 8 will be removed from the game.

Thank you!

♥ OUAD Mods

checklist )
01 April 2012 @ 09:35 am
It's time for you to let us know who's still around. Here's your form:

Be sure to check the contact page and make sure we have all your correct contact information.

Anyone who has not commented by Sunday April 8 will be removed from the game.

Thank you!

♥ MR Mods

checklist )
27 March 2012 @ 01:56 pm
HEY. You guys know him.

This is Troy. He JUST moved to Chicago. From NYC. Before that, he was in Blackshear. He cheated on his gf from nyc before moving here. He doesn't like moving. He boxes. He'll be looking to try out for basketball. He's a nice guy! Except for that one mistake. And the occasional dark place. But hitting something usually helps.

23 March 2012 @ 05:11 pm
Crazy Lena has THREE MORE. Lol, I think these are probably my last ones, but you never know. Someone else app some freshmen so I stop feeling compelled to pull characters out of my ass to fill the roster. :P

This here is Mikey Watkins. Mikey is the little brother of Abbie Watkins ([info]suchfun). He's a big bundle of energy. He's friendly and talkative. He's not remotely into sports, but he goes to all the games to watch his sister cheer. He will talk to ANYONE. He had a few girlfriends in middle school, but nothing serious.

My other new frosh is Scott Wyzisky, who you can find at [info]withthecrowd. Scott is, of course, the younger brother of Cole ([info]t_r_o_u_b_l_e) and Gage (NPC) Wyzisky. He likes to imitate his big brothers a lot. This means he plays sports and does a lot of flirting with girls. He's never really gone past flirting, though and he's not really into fooling around the way Cole is. He kind of just tries to act like Cole because he thinks girls like guys like that. He's really a sweetheart, though.

And lastly I have a junior, Calvin Rosser who everyone calls Cal. You can see him at [info]broodsalot. Cal is the older brother of Evan Rosser ([info]hestheman). They're in the same year, because Cal got a really bad case of mono when he was in the 5th grade and had to repeat that year. So he's 17 and will be 18 in December, even though he's only a junior this year. Cal is a little more reserved than Evan and definitely less of a manwhore. I have a couple of open lines for him. One is the girl he's crushed on forever, but she doesn't really like him, because she thinks he's just a jerk/bully. Which he definitely can be. The other is the girl, who he keeps going to for affection. They're friends, but he's kind of using her. I think it would be fun if the girl had actual feelings for him, just saying. Also, he has a tendency to pick fights he can't win (or some he can) when he's in one of his ~moods, so people who have/will kicked his ass would be fun, too.

I'm really excited for all three of these pups, so please to be giving me PLOT! ♥
23 March 2012 @ 04:46 pm
3 new characters!

Copy and paste the following code into the console for instant flist updating:

22 March 2012 @ 04:53 am
Betta has decided to drop Andre, so please copy and paste the following code into the console and update your flists.:

As always, we are in need of more freshman characters, so please considering applying for one (or more).
16 March 2012 @ 09:38 am

This place has been kind of slow lately, probably because of summer, but I would love a thread for any of my characters! Or Dari has an open thread back at her pool party that someone could still go hop into! Just saying!
14 March 2012 @ 10:15 am

Does anyone have need of a little brother in the form of Sterling Knight? I wanted to help fill out the freshman end of the roster, so I was going to try to do something with him, but I don't have any firm ideas just yet, so LMK if he can fill any lines and I will keep that in mind as I work!

I'd also like to pick up a second freshman boy, but I'm kind of stuck for younger boy PBs in the 14/15 year-old range, so if anyone has any other ideas for me, LMK!

P.S. I changed Dari's layout and icons a few days ago and I'm kind of insanely proud of my Photoshopping brilliance. ---> [info]cheergirl. Feel free to stroke my ego and tell me how pretty they are. ;)
14 March 2012 @ 07:22 am
Reminders, etc.  
It is currently Wednesday August 14th, 2011 in game. Classes for Arcadia High School will resume on Tuesday September 10th, 2011. For the alums who will be attending Northwestern, orientation and dorm opening for freshmen will be on September 12th. New student registration will be on the 15th of September. Classes at Northwestern will begin on September 20th.

Upcoming Birthdays:
August 20th - Bryant Sawyer
August 28th - Evey Summers & Johnny Johnson

September 1st - Kevin Pavlos
September 2nd - Shane Stephens

Also, we are still very much in need of freshmen students. Please consider making a freshman if you feel you can handle additional characters! We only have a few in-game right now. Once the freshman class fills up more, additional slots will be opened for the other classes, as well!

Upcoming Events:
If your character is interested in hosting a kind of back-to-school party as summer vacation wraps up, please let us know!

ETA: Scribbld broke our old holds page. The new one is here.
10 March 2012 @ 05:29 pm
ONE MORE. *cough* yeah, right

Most of you will recognize Ellie here. :D Ellie is an identical twin. You might confuse her with her flirty, more outgoing and definitely more coordinated sister, Emma. Physically, they are literally carbon copies of one another.

That's where the similarities end, though. Ellie is the more serious, more studious and much, much less experienced twin. She's friendly, but she's also very focused on school and her future. She's a bit of a klutz, so there's a good chance your character has witnessed at least one of her less graceful moments in the past few years.

She needs friends and whatever else y'all wanna throw at her, so hit me up and let's plot! :D
05 March 2012 @ 05:02 pm
So, I probably should have finished this app BEFORE I did adds, but I sort of forgot about her until I looked at the holds and then I was like OH YEAH.

Anyway, this is Casey Kesterson. She's a senior who is involved in 352174657612576 activities. She's really ambitious and really focused on maintaining her almost perfect GPA and getting into a good college. She still finds time to party and socialize now and then, though, and she's fairly popular so... FRIENDS! She needs them!

05 March 2012 @ 03:20 pm
Since a spot opened up on the roster, I decided to bring Robbie over here, although with a PB change, because I didn't really care for his other one.

I think most of you will be familiar with him, but here are the basics: Incoming sophomore, jock, popular. Was dating Hope Pitt until she caught him cheating on her with Leslie. >.> Oooops? Robbie really likes Hope, though, and he wants her back, so he'll be doing some groveling.

GIVE HIM YOUR PLOTS. He should be friendly with most of the other jock/cheerleader types.
04 March 2012 @ 10:13 pm
Please run the friend/all, everybody, as Betta has decided to drop a few characters (Josh, Darion and Kat) and Lena has decided to add one.
01 March 2012 @ 08:09 pm
Hey, sexy people!

How you doin'?

It's time for you to let us know who's still around. Here's your form:

Be sure to check the contact page and make sure we have all your correct contact information.

Anyone who has not commented by Thursday, March 8 will be removed from the game.

Thank you!

♥ MR Mods

P.S. Expecting life to treat you well because you’re a good person is like expecting an angry bull not to charge because you’re a vegetarian.

checklist )
26 February 2012 @ 01:11 am
Events, etc.  
Attention, campers!

New calendars have finally been added to the mod journal for July-September (aka February-April in current time). You can view those here. Make sure you tell Lena how awesome she is for taking the time to code those up. ;)

We've also been slacking on the weekly event & birthday reminder posts. Sorry about that. You can always see the list of IC birthdays here, JSYAK.

Upcoming birthdays this week:

July 25th - Joseph Richardson

No major events this week that we are aware of, but Dari did host a party on Saturday.

Also, as a reminder, please make sure you are posting large images inside a cut tag. The same goes for multiple images in one post.

This post has been brought to you by the letters F and U. And the number 69.

14 February 2012 @ 11:18 am
Hey, y'all! Just to let you know I am just started a 8-day-straight work stint, so I'm not going to be around much at all for the next week or so and I'm kind of needing a break, anyway, so I'm going to take a brief hiatus from RP. ♥