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[14 May 2008|06:17pm]
Alright so [info]cec has come up with a good idea. In this post let me know which section you would like to me in charge of.

In her post here she tells us what the jobs are of each one.
1. Duels /baser
2. Superlatives /badbakhtee /how
3. Accepting/Rejecting members /clydesdale
4. Introducing new activities and reminding everyone of the activities.
5. Maybe someone can be in charge of all of these? If they see that something hasn't been updated in awhile they can go ahead and do it but they don't really have a certian duty, just if someone else falls out they can take their job for a day? Idk let me know.

I can't think of anything else that needs to be updated so let me know if you come up with anything else. also, whenever you have a night you can update and you see that no one has, go ahead and do it! it doesn't even have to be at night, just anytime during the day. and if theres not much activity from the last post it isn't necessary to do an update.
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