[12 May 2008|10:56am] |
To be completely honest I don't like the idea of having every kind of superlative. The other rating communities have the exact same thing.. Like activities + superlatives. I feel like the members are just going to get bored with the fact that every community is becoming identical to the others. I'm sorry to be a downer or whatever but I honestly don't think the community will grow/stay active if it's going to have the same aspects of the other rating communities on scribbld.
I kinda feel bad for writing this too because I don't have many ideas to make this community original either :\ I don't know? Let me know if anyone else feels this way or understands what I mean.
[16 May 2008|04:59pm] |
did the update for today.
i also added some new superlatives on the sidebar, check them out and tell me if you like them. oh and i separated the different superlative catergories so it looks more organized. :)
[14 May 2008|06:17pm] |
Alright so cec has come up with a good idea. In this post let me know which section you would like to me in charge of.
In her post here she tells us what the jobs are of each one. 1. Duels /baser 2. Superlatives /badbakhtee /how 3. Accepting/Rejecting members /clydesdale 4. Introducing new activities and reminding everyone of the activities. 5. Maybe someone can be in charge of all of these? If they see that something hasn't been updated in awhile they can go ahead and do it but they don't really have a certian duty, just if someone else falls out they can take their job for a day? Idk let me know.
I can't think of anything else that needs to be updated so let me know if you come up with anything else. also, whenever you have a night you can update and you see that no one has, go ahead and do it! it doesn't even have to be at night, just anytime during the day. and if theres not much activity from the last post it isn't necessary to do an update.
[09 May 2008|05:39pm] |
I'm not exactly sure how many there are of us but each person should choose one duty + moderating (obv.)
If you're in charge of duels be sure to add them to the sidebar! Also, after however many votes it is also your job to add the wins/losses to the member's page.
For whoever wants to be in charge of the superlatives it's almost the same thing. Add them to the sidebar, and if someone steals a superlative you MUST change the superlatives list. Also change the member's page!
For applicants, be sure to add them to the sidebar & after a good amount of votes stamp them & add them to the member's page.
Mod in charge of activities be sure to change them on the sidebars & make an update telling the new members about the changes.
I can't think of what else needs to be done so comment here if I'm missing something! Comment here stating what you would like to be in charge of too. Right now I'm trying to figure out an easier way to make the members page. I'll update when I know!
[09 May 2008|12:35am] |
i won't be able to do the update tonight. just figured i'd let you know.
in case you haven't seen them, and apparently everyone else hasn't, i've updated the past two nights =/
[02 Apr 2008|05:34pm] |
aaaalright i think we need a chart or something of who has which days. XD i'm getting confused a little bit. so i guess i'll make one here and we can put this in the memories to find it quick in case our days/mods change!
sunday - baser monday - how tuesday - etudes wednesday - etudes thursday - how friday - techromance saturday - techromance