Saturday, July 26th, 2008

Icons 007 | Random anime, manga, video game

:: Random Anime, Manga, Video game Icons Post ::

Twenty-five anime, manga and video games icons.

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The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes )

Comment & credit [info]mercurial_muse or [info]curiousvenus when taking.
Resources can be found on this page.
If you want to affiliate with me, holler here.
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Monday, February 11th, 2008

Icons 006 | Random Emoticartoons

:: Random Emoticartoons Icons Post ::

Fifteen Emoticartoons icons.

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I'll be your hyper bunny! )

Cartoons credit ::
Comment & credit [info]mercurial_muse or [info]curiousvenus when taking.
Resources can be found on this page.
If you want to affiliate with me, holler here.
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, February 4th, 2008

Icons 005 | Saber :: Fate Stay Night Anime

:: Saber | Fate Stay Night Anime Icons Post ::

Ten Saber | Fate Stay Night Anime icons (made for and cross-posted at [info]10variations)

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i wanna know my fate )

Comment & credit [info]mercurial_muse or [info]curiousvenus when taking.
Resources can be found on this page.
If you want to affiliate with me, holler here.
(2 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, January 27th, 2008

Icons 004 | Step Up 2 The Streets Movie

:: Step Up 2 The Streets Icons Post ::

Fifteen Step Up 2 The Streets Movie icons.

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I'll step up if you step up too )

Screencaps credit :: Channing Tatum Unwrapped
Comment & credit [info]mercurial_muse or [info]curiousvenus when taking.
Resources can be found on this page.
If you want to affiliate with me, holler here.
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Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

Icons 002 | Random anime, manga, video game

:: Random Icons Post 02 ::

Twelve random anime, manga and video game icons.

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I make miracles like I walk on water )

Comment & credit [info]mercurial_muse or [info]curiousvenus when taking.
Resources can be found on this page.
If you want to affiliate with me, holler here.
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Icons 001 | Random

:: Random Icons Post ::

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These words will cut you down )

Comment & credit [info]mercurial_muse or [info]curiousvenus when taking.
Resources can be found on this page.
If you want to affiliate with me, holler here.
(2 comments | Leave a comment)