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Date: June 2nd, 2009 05:21 pm (UTC)
Old guy is Johnny's way of telling her that it's Reed. She drops her pen, her fingers spread out like jazz hands. "Johnny!" She has no patience for it right now. Usually she'll just roll her eyes.

She stands up and goes to the phone, pressing it against her ear. "Hello?"
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Date: June 2nd, 2009 05:40 pm (UTC)
"Susan? It's Reed. I'm calling about the launch. There's been some rescheduling."
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Date: June 2nd, 2009 05:50 pm (UTC)
She sighs. It's easier to talk to someone on her wavelength than her kid brother that's constantly trying to nose in on everything. She loves Johnny, of course, but some things are for adults and he's just not one yet.

"Rescheduling? Why? If we don't launch at the right time we'll have to rechart the entire flight..." Blond winged eyebrows arch over the bridge of her nose.
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Date: June 2nd, 2009 06:22 pm (UTC)
"Well, Susan, the thing is," Reed sighs. "The launch was canceled, but I still intend on going anyway. The new launch time is at 5 a.m. I can have it done automatically from the computer." He pauses. "Don't worry about the recharting, I've already done most of it."
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Date: June 2nd, 2009 08:26 pm (UTC)
"You've al- Reed... canceled? Going anyway?"

It went from being rescheduled to being canceled and then he decides he's going anyway! She's confused and more than a little disturbed. They'd be hijacking government property. She wasn't so sure it was a good idea.

"Start from the begining." Sometimes with Reed, she had to stop him where he stood and have him go back to the begining. It was just how he was.
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Date: June 3rd, 2009 06:09 am (UTC)
"Let him know I'm still going!" He calls from the kitchen.
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Date: June 3rd, 2009 07:53 pm (UTC)
Reed is quiet for a short moment before he starts talking, slowly.

"Colonel Fury came in yesterday and told me that the project has been canceled, due to...politics. But I've already come too far and the rocket is still able to launch. And this is too important. A ship doesn't just go missing in space for no reason." He hesitates, rubbing his temple with one hand.

"Susan, I know that this is incredibly risky, but it's something I need to do."
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Date: June 3rd, 2009 08:06 pm (UTC)
Sue puts her hand on the mouthpiece for a moment to turn to Johnny, "You're going to school."

In a more hushed tone, so that Reed can't hear she speaks into the phone, one hand covering her mouth so that Johnny can't hear her.

"Reed... are you sure this is the right thing to do? It's not like we can hide a rocket launch... you know what could happen to us when we get back." She still has to raise Johnny. This is so risky.
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Date: June 3rd, 2009 08:17 pm (UTC)
"Prison, I know. I already called Ben, and he's agreed to pilot. It will be difficult to do everything between the two of us, but it would help out a lot if you would come. You're the only person I can trust. It's your choice though, and I'll understand if you say no. Either way, we're launching early in the morning, when there's less chance of the launch being interrupted."
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Date: June 3rd, 2009 08:25 pm (UTC)
She's quiet, silent while she considers. What about Johnny? There's enough money even if she gets arrested but she's his only family. On the other hand, an entire shuttle disappeared and who knows what it could be. She knows the ramifications either way.

"No, all right, I'll go." She nods slowly even though he can't see her. "I'll be ready."
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Date: June 5th, 2009 04:11 pm (UTC)
Reed smiles in relief. "Thanks Susan. It means a lot. How's Johnny?"
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Date: June 5th, 2009 04:49 pm (UTC)
She can hear his smile, she knows what Reed is like when he smiles and she smiles in turn, letting go of her secretive gestures, but turning her back towards the kitchen to keep her privacy.

"You know how he is. He wants to come too. I'm getting him a babysitter."
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Date: June 5th, 2009 04:55 pm (UTC)
"Hmm, a fourth crew member would come in handy..." Reed imagines what bringing Johnny into space might be like, but quickly shakes the thought from his mind.

"No, I don't think I'm that desperate."
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Date: June 5th, 2009 05:04 pm (UTC)
"No we're not." Desperate, that is.

"It would be dangerous and he's just a kid. I'm leaving him here with the babysitter."
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Date: June 5th, 2009 05:14 pm (UTC)
"I'd hate for him to get into such a big fiasco at such a young age. Try not to let him know that we're launching without authorization. I believe it will only encourage him."
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Date: June 5th, 2009 05:46 pm (UTC)
"You're right. I won't mention it. I'm just... worried." She pauses. "He's stubborn. I'll make sure he's sleeping while I leave. Don't worry about Johnny."

She says it softly, secretively, to make sure Johnny can't hear her.

But she's worried. There won't be anyone to take care of him if the government decides their crimes are worthy of jail time. It's evident in her voice.
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Date: June 7th, 2009 01:20 am (UTC)
From the his room Johnny frowns at the phone he picked up. He shouldn't. He knows, but - dude, it's space and his sister and the old guy. He already knows Sue's worked her ass off for him and she likely has a plan for if something happened to her like what happened to Dad.

But like hell you are going without me now!

Before all this it was wanting to go into space. Now it's about not wanting to be left behind again.
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Date: June 7th, 2009 05:29 pm (UTC)
"Alright then. I'll tell Ben and soon we can get this underway. Remember, we're launching at 5 a.m., so be sure to leave early. I'll see you there Susan."
Date: November 3rd, 2009 08:20 pm (UTC)


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