Independence Day |
Independence Day
Jul. 4th, 2009 @ 03:14 pm
"I'd like to sound high-minded about it, but that's not why I'm here. If not here, it would be somewhere. S.H.I.E.L.D. offered a much broader base to work from, and better training all around. Shooting at things is just a bonus. The damned fools looking for action and adventure only get themselves killed first."
Nick nodded. "That never changes. Happened back in the World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War...."
Nick was old and there were times when he felt it, like now.
She obeyed an unexpected impulse and reached out to touch Nick's arm. Her mother would do that when her father talked about the past and the things they'd been forced to do for the good of the many. She would touch him, ground him in the present, and the shadowed look on her father's face would lighten a little.
Val realized too late she'd overstepped, but tried to cover it by stepping back. "Is that why you're here?"
Nick grabbed her hand before she could get to far away. "Bigger picture, honey. Can do a helluva lot more good here than anywhere else." He pulled her in.
"Colonel...Nick..." She went because she couldn't do anything else. Didn't want to resist. The few sips of wine couldn't take the blame for her behavior.
She tried again. "Round two should be in the gym."
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