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About Everybody Wants to Rule the World...

Previous Entry Everybody Wants to Rule the World... Jun. 11th, 2009 @ 08:42 pm Next Entry
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Date: July 10th, 2009 09:49 pm (UTC)
"Yeah. Something about "radiation exposure" and "not spreading it" and "blah blah blah," Rick said with a shrug. "At least they gave me ear plugs. And then I just kind of tuned it out."

"But that was... what you did was..."

He looked Banner straight in the eye. "Thanks."
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Date: July 30th, 2009 04:05 am (UTC)
He frowns. Radiation exposure was supposed to be minimal, but nothing with that test seemed completely right. He feels "off." Not sick, just agitated and if he'd be fidgeting if he wasn't so tired. "Fight or flight" feeling.

"Has there been someone here? Anyone?" He's praying for Betty, but...Is she strong enough for that?
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Date: July 30th, 2009 08:48 pm (UTC)
He shook his head. "Just army guys outside the door, when they slide the food tray in."

He pointed toward something on the near-by table. "Oh, and don't try the radio. All it does it click."
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Date: August 2nd, 2009 03:36 am (UTC)
Voices outside raise in argument.

"Ma'am! I'm sorry, but you can't go in here!"

"Watch me," the voice replies, and the door opens. Betty Ross pushes her way past the soldiers guarding the door.

"Bruce? Are you alright?"
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Date: August 2nd, 2009 04:41 am (UTC)
It must be a sight for the kid to see. One moment, the scientist was an intense, controlled (if exhausted) man with no real emotion other then a mix of urgency and curiosity.

"Betty..." he croaks and reaches out for her arm, his whole body exuding gratitude and relief from every pore. His smile is small, but he suddenly looks almost normal.
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Date: August 3rd, 2009 03:28 am (UTC)
Whoa. How's a nerd like him rate a girl like that?

Rick leaned back and sighed quietly. Wasn't like there was anybody like that waiting back for him. He wondered if he'd even been missed from the orphanage.
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Date: August 7th, 2009 06:48 am (UTC)
She brushes her hand against Bruce's cheek. "Oh, Bruce. I'm glad you're okay." She glances at Rick, to make sure he's alright too; he doesn't seem any the worse for wear. He might have endangered Bruce's life, but she understands it was an accident and doesn't want him to be hurt either. Satisfied, she turns back to her lover. "You scared the hell out of me."
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Date: August 7th, 2009 07:00 am (UTC)
"I love you, too. Takes a bit to get rid of me." He looks to Rick. "Make sure he gets out of here, alright? He's just a kid -"
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Date: August 7th, 2009 07:05 am (UTC)
"No one -" Thunderbolt announces coming into the room in a full hazmat suit. "Is getting out of here that easily!" He rips his daughter's arm away from Banner and drags her from the room. "Stop touching him, Betty! They don't know what the Gamma did to him!"
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Date: August 7th, 2009 07:17 am (UTC)
His thoughts darken and race down a kind of black hole singularity in his mind as he watches Thunderbolt leave the room with the only thing that makes his life around here bearable. He hates that man he hates this bed and this base and the sun lowering in the sky.

Banner loses sense of his own body, but Rick Jones can see what's happening.
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Date: August 8th, 2009 04:01 am (UTC)
"Doc?" Rick asked, quietly, uncertainly. "You're... what... what's going on? You... you're changing!"
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Date: August 9th, 2009 04:29 pm (UTC)
He wants out NOW! Gray green skin replaces Banner's sickly white and brown eyes change to an inhuman yellow, but as extraordinary as that is his sheer mass is the true wonder. Bigger and bigger, past well-muscled, past body-builder, past Frankenstein's monster. The rage builds and he builds until the room is filled with the aura of rage and pain and it's too small to contain it.

"Hulk want OUT!" The reinforced wall of the quarantine room powers like talc.
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Date: August 11th, 2009 05:13 am (UTC)
Rick just stared open mouthed for a moment, not believing what he had just seen. Doctor Banner had turned into some kind of... Hulk and...


And it was all his fault.

"Wait for me!" he cried, as he ran after Banner. "You need me!"
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Date: August 12th, 2009 01:26 am (UTC)
Rick Jones exits this life and enters another - a life filled with the sounds of gunfire, tanks, and deafening roars. It is a life which becomes a blur of rage and with oases of calm and self-loathing.

A monster is loose. Pray he is on our side.
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