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Date: June 28th, 2009 07:39 pm (UTC)
Yinsen is a genius as well, and together, they build on each other's ideas quickly. It is Yinsen who provides a way for the suit they are designing to multiply the wearer's strength a thousandfold -- or more. It is Tony who finds ways to keep the suit from being too slow despite its cumbersome frame in this limited workshop. Together, they design... and begin to build.
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Date: June 28th, 2009 07:48 pm (UTC)
After nights of no sleep and days of hot sun and little food, he finally emerges a new man.

"How -" the mechanical voice asks. "Does it fit?"
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Date: June 28th, 2009 07:53 pm (UTC)
"I think so," Yinsen nods. "We just need to let the systems finish booting."

There's a clank at the door, and Yinsen looks back, horrified. They're coming in... and that means they'll take the armor.

Tony needs some more time before the suit is ready.

He turns back, and before Stark can say a word, he rushes the door as it opens, and runs out.

"Death to Wong Chu!" he screams as he runs past the guards and out of Tony's sight. "Freedom! Death to W...!"

The sound of gunfire can be heard from down the hallway, and the old man's voice ends abruptly.

Wong Chu steps into the room, shaking his head. "Fool..."
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Date: June 28th, 2009 07:59 pm (UTC)
He's right, but he has the wrong fool. Not really caring anymore who lives and dies in this encounter, there's a lurch in his chest as he blasts the hell out of this room.
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Date: June 28th, 2009 11:45 pm (UTC)
Wong Chu has time just to look up in shock as the blasts knock him backward and into a wall.

His men run in at the sound, and open fire with their machineguns.
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Date: June 29th, 2009 12:29 am (UTC)
Most bullets fail to even dent the shielding he and and Professor Yinsin made much less the armor itself. Men fall like matchsticks as he approaches, shoving them off like bugs and breaking their weapons like toys.
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Date: June 29th, 2009 02:04 am (UTC)
He wades past the soldier, smashing them right and left as he heads for what he hopes is the exit. Bullets riccochet off the armor.

"Stark!" a voice declares from behind him.

Wong Chu, bruised and battered but still alive, raises his rocket launcher towards the Iron Man.

"You will not leave here alive!"

He launches the rocket towards Iron Man...
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Date: June 29th, 2009 02:53 am (UTC)
He put his heart, soul, and special transistors into this thing. He flips a switch and the repulsors on the suit do what they were designed for...

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Date: June 29th, 2009 07:12 am (UTC)
The explosion shakes the base to its foundation. The ceiling collapses on everyone, burying every person under stone and wood. Few survived the explosion. Fewer still survived the collapse of the base.

As the dust clears, nothing is left of Wong Chu's base. It's flattened. There's no sign of life.
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Date: June 29th, 2009 07:38 am (UTC)
The dust blows lightly. Nothing stirs for long agonizing seconds. Then there is a crack and a low rumble under the Earth. Wood, Earth and brick displace as the Iron Man emerges, alone, and victorious.

The victory is short lived. He looks at a battered crate. These people were threatening him with his weapons. They were probably bought and sold 5 times over but that doesn't matter. His own designs threatened him and possibly the rest of the world. For the first time, what he does is all incredibly real - and he has to get out of here.
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