The Marvel Universe Roleplaying Community - The Ant-Man March

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Previous Entry The Ant-Man March May. 21st, 2009 @ 11:29 am Next Entry
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Date: May 28th, 2009 09:50 pm (UTC)

Re: The Return of the Ant-Man

In the other room the gunmen stood guard, their guns at the ready.

“He should be back by now.”

“What should we do?”

“One of us should go after him. Two of us can handle these frail scientists.”

“No, we shouldn’t split up!”

While the guards bickered Ant-Man set to work. Though he was no smaller than an ant he retained his human strength and the ropes binding his fellow researches were soon untied, with a little help from his ant friends too.

Then for a diversion he sent a swarm of ants over to the men, both from the ground and from the air as the breeder ants took flight. In panic the assailants made the mistake of dropping their weapons and soon the “frail” scientists over powered them.

Hank quickly slipped away and back to his office. He had just finished donning his lab coat when his coworkers opened the door, guns at the ready.

“Hank! Thank God you’re all right.”

“It took me minutes to deal with our friend here.” Hank nudged the unconscious assailant with his foot. “I was about to come rescue you!”

“We had some help from some very unusual friends.” His assistants told him the story Hank all ready knew of how they had turned the tables on their kidnappers.

“Hah, without their weapons they were a pushover.”

Hank rubbed his chin. “Ants, huh? You don’t say. We’re fortunate it turned out all right. It could have been big trouble, not only for us but for the world.”

The police arrived and no one asked very many questions about why the ants had swarmed the intruders. After answering all of the questions Hank returned to his lab and put the pym particle solutions back into his vault. He couldn’t help but wonder just when he would need his discovery once more.
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