The Marvel Universe Roleplaying Community - The Ant-Man March

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Previous Entry The Ant-Man March May. 21st, 2009 @ 11:29 am Next Entry
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Date: May 24th, 2009 12:52 am (UTC)

Re: The Man in the Ant Hill

The next day there was a knock on Henry Pym's door. He knew who it was and he knew there was no way around this.

"Dr. Pym, I know you're in there!"

Hank unlocked the door and opened it. "Hello Mr. Gomez."

"This is the last time I'm asking."

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Gomez but I don't-"

"Of course you don't have it. You never have it. You have to pay the rent like everyone else, doctor or no, and if you don't I'm throwing you out."

"Yes well, I'm sorry but-"

"But your latest shrinker ray or whatever it was failed and you don't have any money for me."

"Well... I was goingyes. I don't have anything. It didn't work. But-"

Mr. Gomez's face turned red.

"But I'm scrapping the whole idea. I promise Mr. Gomez, from now on I'll stick to more practical inventions."

"Inventions that pay."


Mr. Gomez frowned. "Fine. One more week and if you don't have my money then I'm throwing you out. And no more stories about crazy things like shrinking objects and talking to ants. You work on things that can be done."

Hank Pym couldn't help but smile. "Yes sir, of course."

Henry closed the door and started for his desk again but he stopped suddenly. There was one ant walking along on the floor right across his path. It kept pausing and looking around like it was lost.

Pym bent down and placed his hand in front of it, letting it walk up onto him.

"Hold on little guy, I'll get you back outside where you belong."
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