The Marvel Universe Roleplaying Community - The Birth and Death of a Legend

About The Birth and Death of a Legend

Previous Entry The Birth and Death of a Legend May. 19th, 2009 @ 09:05 pm Next Entry
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Date: May 20th, 2009 05:44 am (UTC)

In the Following Years

But Bucky did go to France with Steve. And in the years to follow, he went nearly everywhere with him. He proved that he could do dirty tricks that Steve couldn’t. He could scout areas that Steve couldn’t manage. And while he wasn’t as good of a fighter as Captain America, intensive training as the years went on only helped to make Bucky one of the most capable fighters in the costumed set.

A metallurgical accident created a disk of indestructible metal. It was given to Captain America as a replacement for his old shield, and he soon learned how to use it as an incredible weapon, wielding it by hand as well as throwing it as a discus.

They worked together with other heroes, forming the Invaders. When the Invaders were mind-controlled by the Red Skull, Bucky gathered other heroes and helped form the Liberty Legion, which continued to battle the forces of evil after Bucky returned to the freed Invaders.

Captain America and Bucky did not only work with the Invaders. From time to time, they would work on solo missions together…
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Date: May 20th, 2009 05:46 am (UTC)

January 15, 1945

“Who vill it be to die first, Herr Captain?” Baron Zemo’s face is lost beneath a mask, permanently affixed there after a fight with Captain America early in the war. But if it hadn’t been, he’d be smiling right now. The room smells of blood and sweat. His flag-clad enemy is chained before him, unmasked, forced to kneel. And made to watch while a powerful interrogator uses his whip on the chained Bucky.

“Who vill sit by while his comrade screams his last, I vonder?”
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Date: May 20th, 2009 05:47 am (UTC)

Re: January 15, 1945

Captain America says nothing. He stares, filled with rage, but he won’t give Zemo the pleasure.
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Date: May 20th, 2009 05:47 am (UTC)

Re: January 15, 1945

“Or perhaps I will take zis one’s eyes instead… like you took my face from me.” Zemo moves to Bucky and takes his chin in his hands, turning the young man’s face towards the Captain. The young man isn’t a teenager anymore; he’s nearly 21.

“Would you like to watch zat?” Zemo says, drawing a blade.
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Date: May 20th, 2009 05:48 am (UTC)

Re: January 15, 1945

Captain America lurches against his chains. “NO!” he screams.
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Date: May 20th, 2009 05:49 am (UTC)

Re: January 15, 1945

Bucky coughs, spitting a bit of blood between his teeth. His chest is torn and bloody from the whip of the interrogator. “It’s okay, Cap…” he mutters. “This Ratzi would be lucky to be able to figure out which edge of the blade was pointy unless he tested on himself first…
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Date: May 20th, 2009 05:49 am (UTC)

Re: January 15, 1945

Zemo snarls and backhands the youth, knocking him against the chains holding him upright. He raises his knife and moves towards Bucky’s face.
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Date: May 20th, 2009 05:50 am (UTC)

Re: January 15, 1945

“Leave him alone, you sick bastard!” Captain America spits, lunging against his chains.
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Date: May 20th, 2009 05:51 am (UTC)

Re: January 15, 1945

Zemo laughs through his mask, even as he gestures towards Bucky’s face with the knife. Cap strains against his chains, but guards begin to kick at the hero, beating him down. Eventually, the Captain is unconscious. Zemo turns to Bucky, to further torture the youth, but he too has passed out.

“Take zem away. I’ll take his tongue for his impudence later... when he's awake to enjoy it.”
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