Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

March 8th, 2012

--In a Brand-New Wrapper @ 03:05 pm


"Anya, remind me to send over Christina with my credit cards for the two of you to go on a shopping trip on me. These are beautiful." The floating image of Dr Henry Pym states over holo-conference with Anya. "The fabric sheets are nano-thin solar paneling and batteries in one, and unless I'm somehow horribly mistaken, they're borrowing some Shi'ar-tech principles for molecular suspension.

Wear this suit, and get enough daylight, and you won't need to eat, drink, sleep, breathe, or even expel waste." He pauses, then pokes his finger through a bullet-hole. "Unless it gets ruptured, of course. Haven't run the tests on high pressure or vacuum conditions yet.

It actually reminds me a little of some ideas your father and I threw around, ages ago, before he set up the first generation of the current line of waste disposal systems for his suits."

February 19th, 2012

Trouble Downtown @ 05:10 pm


Car alarms went off and people screamed, a few firing shots, as a metahuman rampage is in progress. Police bands are abuzz with reports of six mutants or robots or something that shouldn't be causing significant property damage. Reports are sparse, with the only details about the attackers being 'tall', 'strong', and 'brightly colored'.

The individuals were human in shape, but completely covered in single color suits. They were strong, and fast, and nothing police or bystanders seemed to be throwing at them would make them stay down for long.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay