Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

December 13th, 2010

Revolution. @ 07:34 pm


The jumps were dizzying as were the changes in her physiology.  The additional abilities were leaving her, almost being written out of her dna.  It would have been a huge relief except leaping through time was equally as draining so when Tina landed in 1776, she landed face first in the mud and she was perfectly content to stay right there.

Until she was yanked up by her hair demanding to know where the hell she'd come from.

It was a familiar-seeming voice and when she was able to see the face the voice belonged to she understood why: Sebastian Shaw clearly looked like one of his ancestors.  Enough so that Tina turned on the diamond armor at will--a first--and punched him right in the face.

By the time X-Force dropped in, Tina was in a full on brawl with this Shaw and his fellow soldiers to the point that all she could see or hear was the fight at hand.  It...wasn't going well.

December 4th, 2010

London, 1940 @ 10:47 am


After some discussion with the team, they decided to jump to the London Blitz in an attempt to meet up with Christina at the end of her time jumps, to catch her before she was stuck wherever Dave had sent her.  Jenny had no trouble bringing the team along--she could take up to six "passengers" safely at one time--but once they actually arrived, that's where her expertise ended.  This was, after all, a different universe and while the generalities were much the same, some details were bound to be different.

"Remember guys, do not trust what you know about history.  It's only a guide here, not fact."

In a blink they were on the streets of London. A quick check of a newspaper gave them the date: 29 December, 1940.  It was a perfect match to the book Tina'd been reading, a book about the Second Great Fire of London.  The team was just hours away from the devastating air raid.

"Christina appears to be getting herself involved in notable events, my money's on her being at St. Paul's Catherdral.  It was famously spared in the raid by the efforts of firefighters."

Orienting herself a bit, Jenny started leading the group as unobtrusively as possible towards the landmark.


November 21st, 2010

Gretel--Present Day @ 12:44 am


When X-Force returned they had attempted to use Anastasia's idea to find Christina using Cerebro. Jenny, the same girl Tina had been hanging out with when the anomaly hit Cerebro in the first place, scanned several times, but found nothing. It was as though Tina had disappeared.

She did, however, find something interesting on the website the team had cryptically been given.

"Hey, guys? New events have shown up on this site since I first loaded it. Take a look."

November 15th, 2010

Definitely Not In Kansas Anymore @ 10:39 am


One moment she was in a front yard in the middle of nowhere Missouri getting ready to kick the ass of captain von weirdo.  The next she was in more pain than she'd ever felt before--which was saying something given the last three missions--and then...nothing.  How long the nothing lasted she wasn't sure.  Time was the last thing she was thinking about because instead of being a nice, comfortable fall day it was suddenly ridiculously hot.  There were also guys wearing what looked like togas standing around her where she lay semi-face down on the ground.  And they were yelling at her in....Latin?

Oh shit.


Tina suddenly wished she'd been paying closer attention reading that book on Ancient Rome.  Or that she'd managed to finish it.  She made a mental note that if she ever got home, she was buying a Kindle.

October 10th, 2010

Stranger Things (X-Force) @ 04:42 pm


Since Summers still didn't want Christina doing anything combat-oriented but couldn't put her on desk duty either (not to mention still couldn't pin the unusual disappearance...and later discovery of the remains of his car on her) he put her in the only other place he figured he could keep her out of trouble: Cerebro duty. For the last week she'd been spending her days up with Jenny Elston and she still wasn't quite sure what Elston did, powers-wise.  She was a telepath to be sure, but when asked about anything else, she'd clam up, shrug her shoulders, and say she didn't have the greatest social skills so Professor Xavier figured she was best off monitoring Cerebro--but she was glad for the company.  Cerebro was, most of the time, boring.

"So your latest power acquisition is omnilingualism, huh?"  The girls had taken to playing poker during some of the really quiet moments.  Jenny kept winning and looked up at Tina over her cards as she awaited an answer.

"Yeah.  My boyfriend loves it because I can talk dirty to him in a ton of languages now."

"I'm surprised you haven't picked up some weird armor plating, dating a Rhodes.  They're kinda close with the Starks."

"I do diamond armor.  And I only pick up other mutant powers.  Not technological genius.  And how do you know anything about the Rhodes and Starks?" 

Jenny just smiled.  "Same way I just beat you.  Again."  She tapped her temple.  "Are you sure you're a telepath?  You don't seem to do a lot of mind-reading."

"Spent way too much time in my childhood doing it.  Dammit, you did win again."  Tina started to gather up the cards when the Cerebro alert went off, loudly. The two girls rushed to look at the console.

"Oh shit, that can't be right."  Jenny's eyes widened.  "Yesterday, there were five low-level mutant signatures there.  Now..."

Tina tapped the glass.

"Now it looks like a power bomb went off."  The two girls looked at each other.  Last time this had happened, it was Fargo.  Tina started out of the room.   "I'll get Summers."


Ten minutes later, Tina was banging on Summers' office door.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay