Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

June 9th, 2009

Family Affairs, Cont. @ 11:19 am


Kristoff woke, very sore, head pounding. He was out of his armor, his hands restrained and locked behind his back. He hadn't ascertained what kind of lock yet, because he was busy noticing the other compartments. Separating everyone via transparent plastic was fairly...classic. He spotted Vincent first, apparently well; Kristoff was actually grateful just to see him even under the circumstances, with all he'd started to fear...
Cassandra, too, though she didn't seem to have regained consciousness, seemed essentially unharmed.
There wasn't a fourth compartment. Instead, outside any of the plastic confines, standing next to his own armor, was Andrea's body. And set beside Cassie was Andrea's head.

June 4th, 2009

Family Affairs, cont. @ 01:23 am


Andrea was, frankly, rather bored.  She had completed the bulk of her coursework for the day--the benefits on an on-line education before she had adopted her more human appearance. 

She had forced herself to read only one chapter in the new book she had purchased. 

She had enjoyed a brief chat with Roberta during a lull in lobby traffic.

She had checked the Negative Zone monitors, as well as the Microverse Portal.

After that, she had watched her daily soap operas, followed by a game of chess with HERBIE.  She was almost certain he had lost on purpose, but could not fathom the reason why.

More worrisome, however, was that she had not heard from Kristoff or Cassie all day.  Most unusual.

But for right now, she was going to go stir crazy if she did not get out of the building soon.

June 3rd, 2009

Family Affairs, continued @ 11:29 pm


Vincent grumbled to himself as he sat through another English course. He hated writing essays, and creative writing was the worst of all. He'd come up with a successful constructive formula based on market trends to come up with effective fiction, but his semesters in this hellish humanities component had never yielded him better than an A average. A miserable tarnish against his A+ average otherwise. He refused to let the subject cow him, so he insisted on taking it every year though.

He leaned back in his chair, letting out a heavy sigh as the peon he was supposed to address as 'teacher' rambled on, turning his head towards the window.

June 2nd, 2009

Bad timing @ 08:40 pm


Cassie waved at her son and watched him disappear from view into his school. Family stuff done, time for amateur sleuthing. She hadn't seen Kristoff yet today so he was either busy and didn't want to be bothered or... being Kristoff and didn't want to be bothered but probably should be.

She'd hold off calling him for now. First she wanted to go see her dad.

Ten minutes later and she had parked her car outside of her father's apartment and started walking for the door.

June 1st, 2009

Family Affairs pt. 2. @ 09:58 pm


After looking over the damaged cameras with Cassandra, Kristoff hadn't quite been able to prove there'd been tampering with the imagery, but there'd been progress. When Scott Lang Sr. was out of questioning, Scott Lang Jr. was put to bed, and Cassie needed time to think, Kristoff had headed first for the lab, where he'd distracted himself tweaking his armor's new voice-recognition and signal-reception systems for a while. Then he'd headed for the skies, testing out the latter...catching radio signals from the Balkans. ...A slightly problematic 'distraction' technique, really.

He landed in a nice out-of-the way spot, where one could almost pretend one could see the stars.

May 29th, 2009

Family Affairs, part 1. @ 09:02 pm


He'd just gotten into New York yesterday -- after a little more Balkan agitation; couldn't let it settle -- and things were already going so well.

It took a bit of care slipping into the Stark Inc building as Scott Lang, disabling the cameras in Lang's office -- thank you, Mr. Dillon -- and thoroughly trashing the place before slipping out, but T'g'rt managed.

Before the fallout could come from that, he left the following voice message from a payphone in Queens, just a stone's throw from Riker's.

" 'Awesome Andrea'? Really? Not even an attempt to be subtle? Or are you trying to fit in better by being as obvious as possible? What must people think, if they think at all? Speaking of thinking, how do you feel about family reunions? Be seeing you."

Now to sit back and let things simmer for a while.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay