Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

February 11th, 2011

Let's Bomb the Factories That Makes All the Wannabes @ 12:37 pm


Iron Girl, War Machine, Photon, and Misha flew toward the large factory on the outskirts of Bucharest, Romania. Tony had tracked down and located the factory where the drones using stolen Stark tech were being manufactured. Now that he wasn't wearing the Iron Man suit any longer, it was up to the kids to take of this little problem. With any luck they would find Evil Auntie here.

In advance of the trip Anya had written some small programs. One was a virus to upload into a drone or a computer that would infect the whole system and wipe everything. The other was a self destruct program. She wasn't sure if the original Stark code to shutdown the systems was still there, this was a safety precaution.

They approached the factory. "I'm going to hack in a set off the fire alarm. That should clear the building of the civilians before it goes boom. Watch out for drones."

November 24th, 2010

The Hunt for Stolen Tech @ 05:51 am


It had taken a little time, with the new baby to deal with, but Tony had managed to develop a device to help track down the stolen Stark tech. Four devices had been made and one given to each of the kids to use. Though Tony had told them he wanted them going in pairs to watch each other’s backs.

Anya and Misha were sent out together and Justin and Toni were paired up for this mission. The next one may be different.

Anya and Misha were sent toward Montana while Justin and Toni were sent toward Arizona. They were unsure of who exactly had the tech, just that the tech was there.

November 9th, 2010

The New Iron Man and War Machine @ 04:59 pm


Tommy Stackhouse and Johnny Crane had scored big the night they broke into that one warehouse. The place had been filled with robots, but they didn't manage to get any of those. They did get suits of armor similar to Iron Man and War Machine. How freaking cool was that? They were going to be the next Iron Man and War Machine.

It took some time to learn how to use the suits, but eventually they figured out how to pilot the suits. Then they had to learn how to fly. Which looked a lot easier than it actually was. After getting the hang of flying, then came to learn how to use the weapon systems. They were completely awesome.

Now it was time to go be superheroes.

They put on the suits and went out into the city.

October 30th, 2010

Unexpected Company @ 06:38 pm


To say that she was uncomfortable would be a huge understatement. Natasha was huge, clumsy, and very awkward. With two weeks left in this pregnancy, she just wanted it to be over already. Knowing her luck, this kid would be late prolonging her discomfort.

Currently she was stretched out on the couch with her feet up. Her ankles were swollen and achy and her back had been hurting almost non-stop. All of it just helped to make her cranky, which is probably why Tony was down in the lab. There had been a lot of growling and grumbling this morning and her husband had retreated out of the line of fire. Natasha was enjoying the last few moments of quiet she would get in a very long time.

That quiet was about to be interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing.

Natasha sighed and slid off the edge of the couch, carefully getting to her feet. It had to be someone they knew since not just anyone could get up here.

She opened the door was a little surprised to see who was standing there.


October 28th, 2010

Delivering the News @ 06:05 pm


Nick Donnelly entered the gym and saw the man he was looking for across the room working on the speed punching bag. Nick took a deep breath and approached his great-uncle. His grandmother and Nick Fury were siblings and Fury was Nick's godfather, but that's about where things left off. His uncle had always made sure Nick's family was good and safe, but he never really interacted with them.

Nick had always wondered why his uncle never came to family functions, but Nick understood why when he joined SHIELD. Fury had kept a distance to protect them. The man had enough enemies to fill a few countries and he had kept them away from the family by staying away from the family. Over Nick's SHIELD career he had gotten to know his uncle better and was glad he did.

"Excuse me, sir," Nick said as he approached Nick Fury. "I came to give you the results from the analysis of the drones."

Nick Fury stopped his workout and turned around to face his nephew. "Well? What is it?" This had to be bad news.

Nick didn't waiver under his uncle's intense gaze. "They're Stark designs, sir."

October 25th, 2010

Attack of the Drones! @ 06:57 pm


The warehouse down on the docks looked deserted and it was the perfect place to goof off and cause trouble, at least to Tommy Stackhouse and Johnny Crane. The two boys had been looking for a place to hang out for some time now and when they spotted the warehouse it looked like the perfect place.

The two boys approached the warehouse and stacked a few crates that had been nearby to get up to a window. Tommy slipped in first and then Johnny followed him. They were unaware that they had set off a silent alarm, but they were too busy staring at what was inside the warehouse.

It was Christmas, a birthday and winning the lottery all in one.

About twenty minutes later police and company security officials would arrive, but they were too late to stop twenty of the drones that had been inside from taking off and blasting through the roof.

Tommy and Johnny had ran as soon as they could and the authorities missed them by a mere minute.

September 21st, 2010

(no subject) @ 06:20 am


Margaret Donovan Stark was pleased. The professor she had paid five million dollars to had come through for her. She now had an AI to operate the drones. The beautiful part about it was that the young Stark had written the code. It was perfect. If something went wrong Maggie could easily place the blame at the girl's doorstep.

Maragaret grabbed the hard drive and would personally deliver it to her lead on the project.

September 19th, 2010

Lab Time @ 05:46 pm


Anya blinked at the computer screen. She was done. Two AIs written in the past two weeks. Thankfully she didn't have to start from scratch and had used Darlene and Goddard as bases. She blinked again. It was a good thing she was done. Words and things on the computer screen were starting to run together.

Anya wondered what day it was. Without Toni and Steve around, it was easy to lose track of time. The Thunderbolts had yet to learn that if she hadn't been seen for more than twenty four hours, someone had to pull her out of the lab. Which in this case was a good thing. She got done what she needed to get done in between going to classes.

She checked her phone. For a moment she expected to see a text message from Steve and then remembered why she wouldn't be getting one. Her eyes teared up and she blinked them back. Two messages from Mom. Three from Dad. Two from James. Five from Toni. There was even one from Eliza. There wasn't any from Misha. Now that she thought about it she hadn't heard from him or seen him since her birthday. Even then she had only seen him for five minutes while he dropped off her gift.

He hadn't come up to visit. He hadn't called. He hadn't texted her. Not even to tease her about being taken into SHIELD custody yet again. Either she did something to piss him off, which could totally be the case, or he was just PMSing. Anya would put money on the latter.

She wrote the two different AIs to external hard drives and disconnected them from the computer. Time to deliver them. One to her professor and the other to Justin.

Anya smiled. She'd stop by Big Nick's while she was in New York and bring back dinner for the Thunderbolts.

September 3rd, 2010

A Bump In the Road @ 09:25 pm


Margaret Donovan was not happy. The piloted suits were ready, but there was a problem with the AI for the drones. Governments didn't want drones operated by remote control. The reaction time sucked. They wanted drones that could follow orders and think for themselves in the middle of combat.

Margaret put her best programmers on it for the past month and they hadn't gotten anywhere. She was at her limit of patience. If these drones weren't delivered soon Margaret would lose everything. Margaret played to win and there was no way in Hell she was going to lose. Not now.

She picked up the phone and called a contact. Five million should buy what she wanted.

August 1st, 2010

(no subject) @ 06:28 am


Margaret Donovan looked at the five prototypes. Three were drones and two were suits similar to the Iron Man suits. The information on the suits had been a real find and one that Margaret intended to exploit. Any country or organization would pay billions to get their hands on a few of those suits.

The hardware was done. The five prototypes had turned out better than expected. Tony was a genius and his inventions always turned out to be cash cows. These five inventions would make her a lot of cash. Enough that she could start her second takeover of Stark.

There were still some software issues to work out and to find test pilots of course.

Then a field test.

Maggie had the perfect field test in mind for when everything was ready.

June 6th, 2010

Progress @ 09:05 am


Margaret Donovan looked at the prototype with satisfaction. The first model was almost ready for field testing. The software was finally finished and the hardware was done as well. They just had to put the finishing touches n it and then see how it did in the field. That of course was the most important part. The government didn't want technology and weapons that didn't work.

"When will it be ready for a field test?" she asked the man standing next to her.

"In a week, Ms. Donovan," he replied. "We're ironing out the bugs and kinks. We should have them all fixed within a week."

"Excellent. You and your team have made amazing progress."

The man beamed under the praise. "We could have never done it without the information you provided."

"I know," she said matter of factly. "When this field test succeeds we will be ready to start taking contract bids."

"Ah yes," he replied. He didn't care for such matters. He left that to people like Ms. Donovan while he focused on the research and design.

"Thank you," she said before turning to leave.

April 30th, 2010

Kintotech @ 04:57 am


Margaret Donovan-Stark sat at the conference table and looked at the men across the table. The were weaklings and the perfect type for her to control. Kintotech was a small tech company with bad management and not much ambition by the men running the show. It was perfect for Margaret to take over and build up to something to be respected. She had the perfect way to do it too.

"So gentlemen is the deal agreeable to you or should I go somewhere else? I'm sure there are a dozen tech companies out there who could really benefit from the technology I have to offer."

The men looked at one another and then across the table at Margaret. She gave them a small smile. "Of course Ms. Stark. We would be fools to pass up such a deal."

Maggie gave them a bigger smile. "Gentlemen, this is the start of a beautiful friendship."

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay