Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

April 25th, 2012

Limerick, Ireland @ 01:21 am


Moriarty was pleased that his plans were going so well. Then again he knew they would. He was Moriarty after all and all others paled in comparison when it came to brains. His plans were foolproof and in the end he would get what he wanted.

Today the object of his attention was Calabdbolg in the castle of King John in Limerick, Ireland. He was not at the castle, but he was keeping an eye on his team. No way would he put himself in danger or at risk of getting caught.

The team entered the building, but unknown to Moriarty and the team the silent alarm was tripped and had alerted authorities. In Chicago an antique dealer got notified of the robbery in progress and called the Champions of New Orleans.

March 25th, 2012

Regrouping @ 06:10 pm


Irina and Jenny returned to Nova Roma after checking out the shop in New Orleans and then in Chicago. Their trip had been unsuccessful in retrieving the knife, but they did learn a few things. Once they reappeared in Nova Roma they were escorted to Senator Aquilla's residence. There they were given a chance to bathe and given food to eat. After they were escorted to a room where Corey, Nick and Rose were waiting.

February 13th, 2012

Unexpected Visitor @ 01:14 am


Lucius Antonius Aquilla rarely ventured out of the city of Nova Roma deep in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, but his mission was quite urgent and had brought him New Orleans. His grandson Cornelius lived here with his teammates and Lucius needed their help.

With little difficulty he made his way through the city and eventually came to the headquarters of the Champions. He double checked the address and satisfied that he was at the right place he knocked on the door.

August 29th, 2011

At the British Museum @ 10:30 pm


Night settled over London and the British Museum was closed for the evening. Cleaning crews moved quickly and efficiently through the hallways and galleries. Nothing seemed amiss and it was another night just like many others.

Suddenly the alarms started going off and large steel doors closed all over the museum. The police were automatically notified and a call went out to Excalibur.

August 28th, 2011

Extra! Extra! (open to reactions) @ 09:54 pm


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Thieves have stolen a national treasure of Malaysia during the night hours. The National Museum of Malaysia was burglarized and the Keris Taming Sari was stolen. Security systems in the National Museum were not tripped and the theft was not discovered until the morning hours. The identity of the thieves is unknown and the only clue left at the scene of the crime was a business card with the letter M on it. CONT Page A-1

Boston, MA - Hurricane Irene slammed into New England and Boston's own superhero team The Thunderbolts was out in the rough weather helping with rescue efforts and cleanup efforts. Down in New York the Avengers and the Fantastic Four were helping with efforts related to the hurricane. The officials of these two cities were more than happy to get a helping hand from their local superhero teams. CONT Page A-2

New York, NY - Stark Industries has announced it will be funding various research projects around the world. These projects range from the development of a hookworm vaccine to funding for the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology. Keeping in line with the focus of Stark Industries' newest company Renaissance Technologies a good portion of the funding is going to projects to develop green solutions to many problems facing our world today. CONT Page B-1

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay