All the armies all the missiles All the symbols of your fear @ 08:05 pm
Captain America, symbol of freedom and hero, had long fought terrorists such as Hydra, AIM and such groups as the Skeleton Crew. Today it was different. Today Captain America led a small group of Hydra soldiers into a missile silo in the mid-west. They quickly overcame the security forces stationed there and reached the control room. It wasn't long before the Hydra agents hacked into the computers and started the launch sequence. In a few moments the missile would launch and strike targets in Russia. The retaliation strikes from Russia would take care of targets in the United States.
It wasn't the only damage done by the symbol of America. He gave the Skeleton Crew and other hydra teams the blueprints and locations of other missile silos across the United States. They easily broke into the bases and started the launch sequences.
The world was on the brink of World War III and no one knew it.
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