Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

February 21st, 2012

Taking a Stand @ 12:07 am


 The world of mortals was still alien to Kael. He wondered just how much longer he would have to stay here. Had his mother found any clue as to those who had created the shadow army that attacked Asgard? If not, then how long would it take? It wasn't as if it was all bad here. The Defenders were good people. Svalin was at least being more tolerant of him. Haljborn tended to be at least partially hostile most of the time. Vernique,, He turns slightly to the small woman holding her Asgardian son. He was fond of the woman. But still.. what was he doing here?

February 10th, 2012

Ambush! (open to Hal) @ 12:31 am


Svalin stood off to one side and watched the actors and actresses move around the set. Her brother was filming a new movie...He-Man or something like that and Svalin was taking a break from her consulting work on fight choreography to watch. The studio had taken her on as a special consultant when it came to choreographing fight scenes. It wasn't real battle, but it kept her in practice and she liked teaching people how to properly use a sword.

This was the tenth time they were doing this scene and Svalin thought about wandering over to the table of food soon.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay