June 7th, 2011
Looking to the Future @ 07:57 pm
Minnie was wearing the choker Julian had given her for her 18th birthday. It and a few other added elements classed up her dance clothes enough for the club she was in. It wasn't one of her usual clubs, but all the better. She'd snag the Black Queen at her tattoo parlor later. This one had to come first. She made her way quietly towards the glistening beacon across the room. "Ms. Frost?"
March 2nd, 2011
Happy Birthday, Annie @ 10:19 pm
Rose always had a good head for dates. When you planned on living as long as she probably would, it was probably important to have one of those. Besides, this one was easy. Annie was practically a sister to her, though she'd also admit that Frosty was kind of supplanting her in the best friend department. No slight to Annie, but while Annie was the friend who would bail her out of jail, Frosty was the one who'd be in the cell with her. Never the less, there were few people she was closer to. Rose had gotten her a new leather jacket and the promise to get her a fake id so they could go drinking.
October 3rd, 2010
The Gilded Cage @ 07:14 pm
A baby was crying. Maybe a toddler, Emma couldn't be certain. All she was certain of was that the child was female and afraid and, even deeper than that, something in her felt like it was breaking apart. It was dark, but Emma departed down what appeared to be a hall. "I'm coming, it's alright." The child continued to sob, but now it called out 'mommy'. Emma felt her adrenaline rush and her feet hurry further towards the sound. "I'm coming, baby, I'm coming!" The crying got louder and louder and Emma ran faster and faster and faster towards the sound, turning the corner and...found nothing. No child, but there was a bloody blanket on the ground and as she bent to pick it up she heard laughter. It was deep, male, and oddly familiar but she couldn't place it. "No!" Emma screamed. "No!""No!" Emma screamed out, thrashing in the bed. When her eyes opened, though, she realized it was not her bed. It was comfortable and the sheets were nice, but it wasn't her bed. Nothing in the room was hers. "Oh God, where am I?" She scrambled out of the bed and noticed bruises on her body and felt herself panic. He'd done this. Shaw had come after her. She ran to the door and tried to open it, but found it locked. So she started pounding on it instead. "SEBASTIAN SHAW YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WI TH THIS!"
Namor would come for her. He would. He'd find her. She just hoped she didn't have to give him bad news when he did. The bruises worried her and she started to wonder if her dream hadn't been a harbinger of bad things to come.
September 2nd, 2010
Shadows @ 08:01 pm
The changing of the guard had gone better than Emma had expected. It all had, the sordid business of playing an inelegant game of thrones. Shaw was disposed and deposed, Kine was dead (some sick side of Emma half wanted to purchase the very hogs who had consumed him, but she thought better of it) and things would settle into a new routine of power as the dissidents were crushed by the wheels of revolution. This was how it worked. She'd been party to it before. It still was too soon to let too much of her affiliation and collaboration in the process show so she said only the sparest of words to Julian before heading home for the evening. Shaw was gone. Kine was dead. Perhaps now she could work on cleaning up the other issues in her life--namely the relationships with her daughters. As she walked into her penthouse, the girls were on her mind, but she wasn't fully distracted. Something felt...off. <i>Was Shaw and Thorn really so stupid as to try something tonight?</i>
August 28th, 2010
Shades of Gray (Hellfire Club Meeting) @ 06:56 pm
(OOC Warning: Mature Content in the Link Below) Three hours after dealing with the last vestiges of the old guard, Julian Howard finishes tying his tie and checks over the light gray suit he's chosen to for tonight's event. He is clean-shaven, combed and dressed to execute the final part of his opening gambit. The first two portions went according to plan, and Kassia's plan also worked to maximum effect. The picture he'd received on his phone five hours ago had already been deleted, but Emma Frost and Viveca Van Roehm each received a copy for their own personal enjoyment. Never let it be said that Julian didn't follow through on his promises. The rest of the documents from the area would be in his possession tomorrow evening at the latest, because that was what he paid for. It had been considerably harder to move Sebastian Shaw, but the rush of energy he'd taken from feeding on the older man had given Julian the spring back in his step. Now Shaw was on his way to a special location to serve out the remainder of his days. Things would not be the same after tonight and Julian expected rancor from at least one of the meetings participants, but that bothered him little. Walking into the meeting room at the Waldorf Astoria, he looked about at the other members of the Hellfire Club. Even when he's fashionably late, Sebastian would have been here over an hour ago, though he was known to take longer when he deigned to do so.
Julian had only been to one meeting of the Lords Cardinal, to introduce himself, so his appearance here now might offer confusion to those who were in the know....which was about three people on the left side of the room.
"Sorry, I'm late everyone. Should we go ahead and start?" he asks, striding in as though he owns the place. He stops over at the table to the left of the doors and grabs himself a carrot or two, chewing happily before taking up a glass of wine.
Then he looks about as if just now noticing what's wrong with this picture.
"Why, where is Sebastian?" he asks, as the doors close behind him of their own accord.
July 9th, 2010
The Meeting @ 07:58 am
"...No, you need to have Emma Frost call me back at her earliest convenience, which should be before my show tomorrow night. I assure you, she'd like to speak to me." Adrian Carver is telling the receptionist at the other end of the phone. These people had tried to give him the runaround for the last several days, and he was tired of it. After everything he'd seen in Fargo, he was tired of a lot of things. Mutants were starting to get out of control again, and they had to be dealt with. Many people in government circles were coming up with ideas to do that, and he was sitting on a major announcement that he'd break on his show tonight. Meanwhile, though, he had another story that was about become front page news if Emma Frost decided to ignore him. "Thank you, tell her I'll be awaiting her call." Adrian says, sitting back at his desk.
July 5th, 2010
Gathering of Powers @ 06:49 pm
Julian Howard has made the phone calls requesting the company of both Emma Frost and Roberto DaCosta in New Jersey tonight convenience to discuss matters of mutual importance. The meeting place is a renovated club he's just purchased that will reopen in four weeks under the name of The Violet Room. After long months of waiting, watching and planning, Julian is ready to begin moving in on his primary goal. All that was necessary now was to gather the necessary support to secure his victory. Every last one of the people he is dealing with is dangerous and a manipulator of the highest order. They've all been at this since before he was born, and continued up this point. Besides his own intellect, prestige and power, the only thing Julian can really count on is that he was taught this game of thrones by the only person with more experience than all of them. The food and drink is hot and waiting, though he doubts they'll partake; still, effort must be made. When Emma and Roberto arrive, they are ushered in through what will be the V.I.P entrance and escorted across the expansive dance floor to. The meeting is here, rather than at X-Factor Tower or even the Popular Outcast because Julian wants to keep this business separate and secret from his other dealings. As they Julian rises and moves offers and comes around the table. "Miss Frost, Mister DaCosta, thank you for taking the time to meet with me. Food and drink are available if you like, and I apologize for asking you to come out of town, but I'd like to keep prying eyes out of our business, so to speak. Please, take a moment for refreshment and have a seat. I'll begin when you're both ready." Julian says, gesturing at the onyx marble desk at the head of the room. A chair is provided for each of them, though Julian pulls one of them back a little further for Emma.