Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

May 2nd, 2010

The Coming Storm @ 11:58 am


This scene occurs after "Daughters".

Namor, King of Atlantis, waits in front of the viewing screen to speak with another King, one whom he has both aided and battled at times. Namor has respect, if not friendship, for and with Doctor Doom; this is the only reason he feels he can speak with Doom regarding a matter such as this one. Doom has the ability, technology, and above all, the information necessary to aid Namor in this quest.

Namor is aware of what it may take to secure the Latverian Monarch's assistance, but he is prepared to pay that price.

Just as his enemies will pay for their transgressions against Atlantis...and him.

When Victor Von Doom appears before him, Namor steels himself and looks Doom square in the eyes.

"Our time is valuable, so I will dispense with games of statesmanship. I intend to wage a war against false kings and queens, pretenders to thrones they know nothing of." he says.

"I seek three things to wage this war, and all of them are within your power to provide. Speak your terms, and we will discuss what is necessary for us to deal with each other." the Sea King says.


June 1st, 2009

Family Affairs pt. 2. @ 09:58 pm


After looking over the damaged cameras with Cassandra, Kristoff hadn't quite been able to prove there'd been tampering with the imagery, but there'd been progress. When Scott Lang Sr. was out of questioning, Scott Lang Jr. was put to bed, and Cassie needed time to think, Kristoff had headed first for the lab, where he'd distracted himself tweaking his armor's new voice-recognition and signal-reception systems for a while. Then he'd headed for the skies, testing out the latter...catching radio signals from the Balkans. ...A slightly problematic 'distraction' technique, really.

He landed in a nice out-of-the way spot, where one could almost pretend one could see the stars.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay