July 3rd, 2010
Put on a Bus @ 09:28 am
A bump causing the bus to jolt wakes Calvin Willis from his nap. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes and peering out the window, the young man sighs when sees that the vehicle has crossed the state line into Wisconsin. As it turned out, Calvin had been far more injured than he thought during his battle with the strange telekinetic in New York. And things just got worse. His father, mother, and even his step-father had ganged up on him. He was being sent on an 'extended vacation' to stay with his grandparents in Sheboygan so he wouldn't be tempted to go back out and make his injuries worse. "Just great..." Calvin grumbles, trying to get back to sleep.
June 20th, 2010
Kingbreaker- City at War @ 02:16 pm
There is chaos in the street of New York City as a wave of increasing gang violence has swept through the city. The exact groups fighting are unknown at this time but it is believed to be related to the attacks on gangs that has been going on for over a month. Citizens are advised to stay off the streets as much as possible especially at night and to listen to the news about areas were violence is currently occurring. The police are doing their best to control the situation and to stop the people responsible however they are currently having difficulties as many of the people leading these outbreaks of violence seem to have superhuman powers. Please standby for more updates.
Father's Day @ 01:20 am
What Makes a Dad God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous soul of nature, The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, The power of the eagle's flight, The joy of a morning in spring, The faith of a mustard seed, The patience of eternity, The depth of a family need, Then God combined these qualities, When there was nothing more to add, He knew His masterpiece was complete, And so, He called it ... Dad
June 15th, 2010
But I'm a Super-Hero... @ 10:45 pm
Steve had, frankly, been joyriding. But when one was an Avenger, with access to incredible technology, including the latest model Sky-Cycle, one could joyride now and then. Of course, if anyone asked, he was on patrol. The sounds of gunshots broke his train of thought and he looked down to see a shoot-out between some kind of gang and the police. He could help here. The guys had a lot of guns--big ones, military models of some kind--and the cops were pinned down. He quickly set a program into the Sky-Cycle's auto-pilot. The Cycle swooped low and he jumped off it, firing a pair of arrows in the process. The Cycle itself continued its arc and parked itself in the air. One net arrow wrapped up a trio of gang members, while the other, a glue arrow, insured another gun wouldn't fire. Fists made sure the guy holding that gun was out of the fight. He pulled his vibranium boomerangs and threw them, quickly disarming more of the gun men and catching them when they returned to his hands. The others rushed him now and he relied on his batons and his martial arts skills. He used the bow and arrows so often, people tended to forget that he had other skills too. He received his share of blows, but he gave better than he got, putting everything his dad and Uncle Steve had taught him to incredibly good use. Steve had his severe doubts about what he was doing leading the Avengers, hell, even being an Avenger at all. Even with all his gear, he was the least super-powerful of the Avengers (or maybe second most, compared to Spector). What the hell was he doing fighting Skrulls or the Masters of Evil or whatever? But this? Fighting your regular old garden variety thugs? This he had a damn good handle on. Here, at least, he knew he could make headway, make a difference. <I><b>BANG!</i></b> That was... that... that kinda... hurt... A lot. He looked down and saw that the bullet had penetrated the kevlar weave of his uniform entirely. Had to have been a pretty powerful round then. And... oh. Wow. That was a lot of blood. Really hurt. He found himself slumping forward to the ground, faintly aware of the cops moving toward him...