Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

June 9th, 2011

Chaos and the science of a broken motorcycle. (Lysi) @ 06:26 pm


It had been entirely an impulse purchase, but it was the exact same bike she'd had back home.  The damn serial number had even been the same and maybe that is what had sent MC over the edge.  It didn't matter that it needed work; it was hers.

Except...while she could get the bike running, the baby blue 1979 Harley Davidson Sportster had some structural issues. wouldn't drive straight and MC wasn't entirely certain how to fix that and she didn't have a whole lot of resources that took a petite redhead seriously. Not here.  There was only one person she could think of.

Half an hour later, she'd tracked down Lysi and pulled up (or rather skidded dangerously up) to her curb.


April 22nd, 2011

West Coast Avengers Need Food Badly... @ 11:57 pm


There was a flash of light when each of the West Coast Avengers finished their "game" and they found themselves all together in a maze. Each member found him or herself dressed in medieval style clothing. Other things moved about in the maze, but for right now they were a way off.

April 3rd, 2011

Welcome to the Grid @ 07:41 pm


The next thing Stevie knew, she was on a bike.  But it wasn't like any one she could remember having been on before.  The design and feel of it was entirely different, maybe a little like something her mother or not-the-mama would have come up with if they'd been into designing motorcycles instead of suits of armor.

And everything else, well, it kinda looked like that movie with Jeff Bridges, come to think of it.

"What the heck?"

March 1st, 2011

Player vs Player @ 08:51 pm


Seattle saw the sunrise on a rare clear, crisp winter's day. With it came a cold wind and trouble for some of the city's newest residents. The West Coast Avengers were settling into their new headquarters and exploring the city they now called home. The day started out as any other, but it wouldn't be that way for long. Trouble was brewing just like the coffee in the numerous coffeehouses and shops.

February 2nd, 2011

Go West Young Avengers! (WCA) @ 04:31 pm


Moving wasn't fun. James had discovered this the hard way. Thankfully Tony had helped make arrangements for the new Avengers team to move out to Seattle. Tony had also taken care of setting up their new headquarters prior to their arrival.

They packed up a moving truck and drove across the country. There was a lot of debating and conversations about where to stop, but James just wanted to get here. Though he did agree to a few stops to tourist traps along the way. He drove his car just head of the moving van and offered car space to anyone who wanted to ride with him and could stand listening to Elvis.

They finally arrived in Seattle at their new headquarters. Now all that was left was settling in and unpacking.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay