She let of a blast of electricity, the voltage enough to power a city block for the better part of a day. She followed quickly with infra-red radiation, then microwaves. Radio waves, x-rays, gamma rays. Toni was immune to the effects of the radiation itself, and the room would scrub itself down afterwards, but the effect of expending that much power left her feeling both better (not unlike cooling down after a day in the hot sun) and worse (tired, burned out, spent...).
She finally stopped and carefully unclipped her armbands, placing them in the unit that popped up, and replacing them with the next pair in the sequence.
Thirty-six hours this time. Thirty-six where she hadn't otherwise expended any injury or taken in any additional power. She'd started feeling hot... too hot, as the timeline had gotten closer. She could make it longer if she was actively using her abilities, though she rather needed to expend any extra she took in fairly quickly.
She sighed as she snapped the armbands into place. That brief moment where her energy was entirely unregulated was a terrifying one, the power surging up and making her every nerve stand on end, but it passed as the devices performed their function, regulating her body's energy flow.
Mutants were supposed to be immune to the effects of their own powers. Why the hell were hers so screwed up?
She made her way back upstairs, to the kitchen, finding a frozen dinner in the freezer. She popped it into the microwave and took a big step back and away. She didn't need to pick up any stray rads.
Three minutes, according to the little digital timer.