Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

July 25th, 2011

Buzz (Open) @ 08:07 pm


After that whole incident with the Nazis in Central Park Chris decided that it might be wise to stop by the Avengers mansion a few days later as long as things weren't to busy. That whole incident was weird, well at least by most peoples standards still it seemed like a good idea to check in.

Chris teleported to the front gates of the Avengers mansion and rang the buzzer. It seemed rude to just teleport in since he really hadn't been around there in a long while.

July 10th, 2011

tdrok: The Sleepers Have Awaken @ 12:48 pm


It was a normal summer day in New York City. The thermometer was at 80, the sun was out and there was relatively no humidity. It was a perfect summer day.

A bright light appeared in the middle of Central Park and started to grow. It expanded rapidly and grew to the size of a two story house. The tear in space in time was still for a moment and then things began to emerge from it. A giant robot walked through with guns ready. A moment later a second robot emerged, this one looked like a giant flying manta ray. It was followed by another that looked like a giant flying head.

The three robots were followed by a division of soldiers, each armed with automatic rifles and wearing uniforms with swastikas. They marched out of the portal and split in half. One group went east and the rest went west. Following the soldiers came a few other individuals. The Red Skull, Masterman, Warrior Woman, Iron Cross, and U-Man came out of the portal.

"Attack!" the Red Skull shouted. "Destroy the city!"

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay