Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

May 31st, 2013

Happy Sweet 16 @ 07:18 pm


It was a tradition for Lexie's birthdays. The Summers' would break out the old grill and they'd have a big party, out by the pool, the first of the Summer. Steak and Hot Dogs, drinks, ice cream and cake, and music that kept getting louder by intervals until Scott went over to turn it down again. It really helped when your friends and family could control weather and make sure the water was warm...

THey saw some rough times but now..? Now it was time to party.

May 28th, 2013

The Hero-ver Part 1 - Amsterdam Morning @ 08:35 pm


"Oh... oh goodness that must have been a bad idea.." Vincent Vernard wakes up on the floor of probably the best suite of an upscale hotel... somewhere. He can see the sky outside-- oh looking towards the light is a mistake. He winces and groans, facing away from the windows and trying to get the lay of where he is. He's next to a king-size bed, and can see out into a living room.

He's not alone.

He sits up and looks back onto the bed. Oh... very not alone.

The Boys 'Round Here Drinkin' That Ice Cold Beer (open) @ 09:12 am


Quinn grabbed two beers from the fridge and headed into the rec room of Excal's HQ. He fell onto the couch and turned on the Manchester United game. He opened a beer and took a long pull from it.

Now this was the life.

May 27th, 2013

Courting Death - Signs @ 10:12 pm


Kalypso wasn't sleeping, she didn't need to sleep, but she was letting herself doze a bit and let her mind wander. Jack was asleep next to her and she was aware of his rhythmic breathing. She idly wondered what he was dreaming of and while it was tempting to peek into his dreams, Kal respected his privacy.

Her mind wandered.

Then came the warning from her mother. "Stay away from Olympia!" Then Sersi's mental presence was gone. Cut off as quickly as it came.

Kal quickly sat up in the bed. "Mother?" she sent out.

No response.

She searched for other Eternals and found none.

Things of Nightmares @ 09:28 pm


Svalin woke to find herself lying on the ground. She blinked. What had happened? The last thing she remembered was being attacked. She didn't see the attacker, but the world went black and she woke up here. Where was here?

Svalin pulled herself to her feet and looked around.

The world was desolate and had been destroyed at some point. Where in Hel was she and what had happened?

At Home With the Flu (Injury Meme Edition) @ 05:56 pm

Current Location: Manhattan, NYC
Current Mood: sick

For he first time in his entire life (which let's face it, it's been one long, trippy life), Dolemeck was struck down by a pretty bad illness. He never whimpered or whined about his injuries, and at times appeared as though they never brought him pain. But this... this was a whole different beast! He felt hot, then cold. His body was sweaty, his forehead warm, and if he moved from his position in his bed he thought he was going to die. Everything ached, in the same way he ached when he was knocked off of his horse at a jousting event a thousand years earlier. What the hell was wrong with him?

Laid up with a sprain (Injury meme) @ 05:26 pm


Well this wasn't good. Anya hadn't been paying attention to where she was going and had taken a misstep. Her foot landed wrong and her ankle twisted. Pain shot up through her and she hobbled to the waiting car. It was a bad sprain and would lay her up for a little while.

She wasn't complaining though. It got her out of going to Japan and Singapore for the week and it gave her time to catch up on some personal projects she had been meaning to work on. With her laptop on her lap and her feet up on an ottoman, she listened to a movie as she worked.

Another ginger on scene @ 01:43 pm


The shift from Lexie being around in the capacity of adoring hanger-on to that of actual team member (even in a "novice-capacity" - her father's words) had a lot of build up only to find that when it wasn't a whole lot different than before. Still...she felt pretty damn cool with her cup of coffee, hanging out in the kitchen, just being one of the guys.

May 26th, 2013

Happy Birthday Vlad (backdated to the 17th)(open) @ 08:41 pm


Cait had been making plans since she knew Vlad's birthday was coming. The night before she made all of his favorite cookies and his favorite muffins. When morning came she was up at dawn and in the kitchen. With a tray of cookies, muffins and blini she headed up to his room.

She knocked lightly on the door.

May 25th, 2013

Welcome to the WCA (open) @ 11:02 pm


Mike waited a few days after receiving the invitation before showing up at the address on the car. He sat out front on his bike and stared at the building for awhile. It was quite the building, he'd give them that.

It was time to bite the bullet. He climbed off his bike and climbed the steps to the front door. He pressed the buzzer.

Happy Birthday Lena (open) @ 08:17 pm


Lena would receive a package containing a few bottles of beer Tim brewed and a tee shirt that had the molecular formula for caffeine on it. In addition he sent a pound of Kona roast coffee. The card inside included an invitation to dinner on a night of her choosing.

May 21st, 2013

A Night Out On the Town (Open to all) @ 07:17 pm

Current Location: Manhattan, NYC
Current Mood: curious

After all that has happened, and his first session with Doctor Samson, Dolemeck decided to do something he never thought he would do. He snuck out of the apartment he shared with Derek, and decided to go out and find somewhere happy to be. This world was so different, more different now than before his memories returned. But he had to try and make the best of it in some way. Find something that would not make him feel as though his new life was worth living. Having shadow ported about the city for a few hours, Dolemeck finally found some place to go that might bring him joy. After-all, everyone at this place appeared happy!

"A night club..." he spoke softly as he stood outside of the building and looked at it. People were smiling and walking in to the large building, and they appeared to be smiling as they left. The music was loud enough he could hear it from the sidewalk. It was the sort of music Derek sometimes played in their apartment.

Dressed in a white dress shirt that hid most of the bandages about his arms, black slacks, some dress shoes, and a black vest. His long black hair now was slightly past his shoulders, after some of it was cut off in Spain. Dolemeck made his way up to the line to get into the nightclub, and eventually given entry into it.

"Let the merriment begin."

May 20th, 2013

(no subject) @ 07:44 pm


Tim's lab was cleaned out of all personal stuff and he carried the last few items in a bag slung over his shoulder. The beer fridge would be dismantled and put into storage and kept there when he returned. If he returned. Maybe life's path wouldn't bring him back this way.

There was one last thing he had to do.

He knocked lightly on the door to Lena's lab.

May 16th, 2013

Learning to Become Heroes @ 10:36 pm

Current Location: Manhattan, NYC
Current Mood: blah

Dolemeck quietly walked about the new apartment he shared with Derek. His parents advised him to move in with his cousin to a bigger place, as they feared him being alone as he battled severe depression. With his arm and hands still bandaged up, Dolemeck looked out the window of their new home. He really had no drive to go out today, much less eat. He was starting to get skinny from his lack of an appetite and Derek was calling him on it.

His green eyes looked over at Derek. He wondered if he was still mad at him for killing two goons and nearly killing another villain on their search for the swords. He decided against saying anything and just shoved his hands in his bathrobe. Just as he tried to sulk back into his bedroom, there was a loud knock at their front door.

"I'll get it", Dolemeck spoke quietly as he walked towards the door and took a peek in the peep hole. He paled, even more than he already was at who it was. Dolemeck quickly opened their front door after removing the locks, and stared up at the person who stood before him.

"Uncle Ken... what a... surprise?"

May 15th, 2013

First Sesssion @ 10:10 pm

Current Location: Manhattan, NYC
Current Mood: anxious

After his return from Spain, Dolemeck took up the advice of his cousin Derek, his adoptive parents Bob and Venus, as well as the Atlas Foundation and went to go seek some form of help. With many strings being pulled, he was able to get into a session with one of the more famous Psychiatrist in the city, perhaps even the world. There was no such thing in his time, so he felt somewhat... awkward. Really awkward.

"I do not know where to begin or even how this works." Dolemeck spoke softly, looking out the large window of the office he was in. He still had some bandages on his face, hands, and arm from his last adventure.

May 14th, 2013

Crossroads @ 03:16 pm


Tim had been mulling things over for sometime now and needed to talk things through with someone. That someone was his cousin. Alice had always been there to listen to his woes and be a sounding board when he needed to get things out and hear them. Two bottles of his latest batch of beer in hand he went to find his cousin.

Blind Date (Bentley / Korra meme response) @ 02:06 pm


There could definitely be worse ways to kill some hours in Toronto. Bentley had gotten in touch with Andrea's boyfriend in preparation for his Nefarious Plans, and small-talk had lead to the mention that he was going to spend a little vacation time in Toronto along the way. That had lead to discussion of Alpha Flight, and her royal cousin-neess.

Bentley drummed his fingers impatiently on the table, sipping his coffee. He'd thought the whole blind date thing would be fun, but the past week of refusing to google his date had been nerve-wracking. It wasn't as if he didn't have the guts to just walk of if it went badly, but come on! She's a princess! One of Namor's daughters! He's a big fan of Namor, what with the imperious entrances, the raw power, and the occasional massive assaults on Manhattan. He was a regular in Bentley's fantasy supervillain leagues. But what was she like? Daddy's Little Hellion? Princessy like her actual title? Teen rebel? He was very curious.

Covering his bases, he'd brought a single flower, and a small box of chocolate. Just something light and charming. Because being an evil genius doesn't mean you can't be a classy bro.

He looked at the clock. Three minutes to go.

May 13th, 2013

Fancy meeting you here @ 09:19 pm


Quinn popped into the Sanctum Santorum hoping to catch Dr. Strange. There were a few spells Quinn was having trouble with and he wanted some professional advice.

Happy Birthday Kael @ 07:10 pm


Svalin still wasn't sure about the whole celebrating birthdays, but Zoey insisted they celebrate all the birthdays of the Defenders. Kael would find Asgardian mead and a dagger Svalin had forged.

May 12th, 2013

The Battle of the Pyrenees @ 07:44 pm


Derek was glad that with Atlas the way it was it was easy to get in and out of nations the way it was. Just a few hours previous (well, more than that, but not by much), they had been in New York City, deciphering something from medieval French in order to find the location of a sword thought to be lost for eternity. And now they were powering their way through Spain, heading just a few miles south of the Breach of Roland itself.

It was really spooky just how close to history they got here. And now they were searching for something even more important historically.

"Hey, Dole, about where on the map was the location again?"

May 8th, 2013

Casual Diplomatic Dinner (for Nicolai and Vincent). @ 10:04 pm


Hans Keller was a good man. His family said so. The Young Master -- the old Young Master -- had said so. His teachers had said so. Representing Latveria in New York wasn't the easiest job in the world, but he wasn't being punished for anything. So Hans did his best.
Some international relationships were more palatable than others. The Symkarians one can at least ask to dinner. So he had. And the younger Young Master as well. Hans really didn't know what to think of the boy. At least he didn't have to worry about him that much; he was apparently ...moving to New Orleans for some reason? But he was coming tonight.

May 7th, 2013

She'd prefer the sword, but the pen's all they'll let her fight with sometimes. @ 10:30 pm


Giovanna Bennet thinks of herself as a soldier. Born to soldiers, named for a soldier, raised to serve her country. The thing was, for more than three years, that service took the form of administrative assistance as much often as security. Making baby steps. Trying to play by every blasted rule.

Immediately after the incident, she called home. Partly to convince Father to stay at home, but also for something else. Genoshan national security had some of the best technopaths. Who had some of the best facial recognition software, and access to some reasonably impressive databases of worldwide information.

When possible for everyone at the embassy, she asks them all into one of the larger rooms.

Happy Birthday Prince Dork! (open) @ 11:05 pm


Anya had been planning Misha's birthday present for some time. It had taken some time to get it set up, but she had managed to get it ready by his birthday. Well, Sunny did most of it. Anya did take Nick out to shop for a present for big brother.

She picked up Nick and the two of them drove out to Xavier's to pick up Prince Dork.

Grocery Shopping (meme, Nick) @ 02:02 am


Dad had given her a quick ride back to Earth for a visit. And at her request, when she needed a Business Break from Denver, he dropped her off quite a ways away from home.
New Orleans grocery stores. So handy. One brown paper bag full of pralines, one filled with containers of pre-mixed spices. And just a quick trip to the liquor section. She's not going to buy anything from the liquor section. That would be illegal. But she's a paying customer of the store. And she's going to stand here with a notebook and a lot of staring as she sorts through the bottles of scotch and bourbon.
Jean-Louise sketches. She's checked the chemistry books enough to spot ethanol. But there's so much more to it than that.

May 4th, 2013

Attack of the Evil Grandfathers: Salvo @ 10:58 pm


The Baxter Building's security was on high alert. Just as it should be. All the more cameras to watch the people line up and start beating against the glass. Pressed close as a riot. Pounding on the doors until their hands bruised, blistered, and bled..

Zeb didn't stand with them, of course. He was out of sight... but near enough that the pheremones wouldn't wear off easy. Not for a long, long time. He'd had this crowd primed.

Workout (Open) @ 10:14 pm


Adrienne had, despite the lack of any real Thunderbolts action since their "test", still managed to keep relatively busy.   There were always clients with jobs, though she had, in fact, been turning the majority of them down or referring them to other, capable, individuals.  Perhaps her time as a hero was turning her soft. 

But she did still take the odd job, nothing that would lead back to her teammates.  Several of them had, in fact, been legitimate enough, in that companies liked having someone capable test their security systems (and it gave her a leg up if she ever needed to break into them on her own).  And, of course, there had been a few jobs she'd done without being hired to do, corrupt individuals or businesses who preyed upon others that could stand to lose something.  Most of that money went to better causes than herself.  Like ze Robin Hood, no?

And there was Millicent, of course, out there somewhere, with those people who had attacked them.  Who had warned her to run while she could.  As if she had ever been good at doing what she was told?  She had not told the others that she had known her attacker.  She had no desire to see her friend bring the wrath of the super-powered Gendarmerie upon herself.

Today, however, she was in the gym, going through some gymnastics routines.


Just some not-so-normal people in a laundromat @ 08:11 pm


It was a common thing for Martin to do, teleport to a city that sounded mildly interesting and go exploring. Manny had been going with him for walks around Boston to get more used to being around people and crowds, and he tried from time to time to walk the less crowded streets himself sometimes, which was what he was up to now. Seattle had had a demon infestation apparently some time back, which meant it was a prime location for some exploring, maybe he'd even find some demons to hunt!

After walking around, hands in his pockets, on the mostly emptier streets during the day, Martin saw some crowds up ahead and frowned, slightly worried. He had no idea what the crowd, a rather small one honestly, was there for, it could've been a protest or a group going to a game of some sort, but it still made him uncomfortable. Rather than attracting attention by teleporting away in the middle of the street, Martin noticed someone exit a nearby door and he hurried in before the door could shut. 

Hands still in his pockets, he surveyed the place. It was annoyingly loud, the sounds of a bunch of washing machines going at once tended to be, but it was rather empty which was good. So Martin hopped onto one of the laundromats many machines and decided to wait for the crowd outside not too far away to pass by or disperse.

May 2nd, 2013

Darkest Night @ 03:38 pm

Current Location: The MET, NYC
Current Mood: anxious

Derek and Dolemeck managed to get out of France before Venus and Bob had arrived to check on their adopted son, and before that insane woman from the Louvre made it to New York City, it appeared. Dolemeck was in awe at the sheer size of the museum before him. Never had he felt so small before! Now that he was properly dressed in a white dress shirt, black slacks, black work boots, and a black vest, Dolemeck looked over at Derek with a raised eyebrow.

"Do we just march in, or do we have to buy tickets, first? I doubt they will take us seriously if we tell them that a crazed woman is after a priceless artifact."

April 30th, 2013

Laudry Day @ 12:45 am


Since his laundry machine was currently unavailable after some lab mishap and he really needed some clothes Ben headed down to a nearby laundromat to take care of it. He had on some sunglasses to keep himself from being recognized too much while he took care of it. As much as he loved his fans they could sometimes be a pain in the ass to deal with.

He through his darks and his lights into separate washing machines and took a seat to wait till they were done.

Gorcery Store @ 12:15 am


Ryan's fridge at home was looking pretty empty and with how he ate he definitely to pick up some food. He headed out to the grocery store to pick up some stuff. He was checking out some stuff in the produce section seeing what they had available now. Some days he really just wished he could hire someone to do this for him but he did like to pick out the stuff himself especially when he did the cooking.

He was probably going to roast up some potato for dinner.

April 29th, 2013

Waiting. And Waiting. And More Waiting. @ 09:58 pm


Greg sighed. New York was not one of his favorite cities, but it was home to one of his favorite music clubs. He only came to New York to visit that club. Right now he was not at that club, instead he was standing in an incredibly long line to get a coffee. He needed coffee. It had been a long night and he needed something to get his blood pumping.

April 28th, 2013

The Attack on the Lourve @ 10:49 pm


Derek Woo, the Khan to be of the Atlas Foundation, was in France visiting one of the facilities owned by the characters. He wasn't too happy about this, but this is something that he needed to know how to do: this was the day to day running of the Foundation, to look at the business of monetary concerns and material concerns, and learning the details of what made the Foundation worked together liked a single bit of gears in the larger whole.

All in all, this was boring but necessary.

But at least Dolemeck was there to be supportive. And now that the big boring part was over, he had free time to inspect stuff. And talk with people, at least as best he could. So now he could be able to just take it easy.

April 27th, 2013

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club.... @ 07:30 pm


The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. need some serious down time. The personal stresses were starting to outweight the professional stresses, and that was saying something. The answer? Copious amounts of alcohol, darts, and quite possibly kareoke. Nikki was down for at least two of the three as she got the first round of Patron shots.

April 26th, 2013

Happy Birthday! (Aridis, Svalin, Asleif and Hal)(Open) @ 04:20 pm


Svalin still didn't quite understand why mortals celebrated the day they were born, but she did like the idea of presents. Giving that is. She found a good pair of leather boots for Aridis and Hal. Asleif was the hard one, but in the end Svalin settled for a leather pouch to hold spell components.

April 23rd, 2013

Happy Birthday Ellie (Open) @ 10:56 pm


(Backdated to the 22nd)

For this birthday, Vlad and Dmitri had teamed up for the present. Ellie would get tickets and Vlad taking her to a One Direction concert on their American Tour. Sure his ears would hate him for it, but there were things you'd do for little sisters. There might have been glitter on the card just to tease her a bit.

The Missing @ 07:00 pm


The number of missing young adults in Seattle had risen steadily in the past two months. Posters of the missing young adults were put up on telephone poles, bulletin boards in local businesses and anywhere else people were allowed to put up signs. Loved ones searched for the missing persons and continued to plaster the city with the missing posters.

A young girl, probably around the age of twenty two, stumbled down the sidewalk about a block from the Wolf's Den. Her clothes were torn and dried blood stained one forearm. She tripped on the uneven sidewalk and fell to her knees.

Girl Times @ 06:54 pm


Jo shows up at Rita's doorstep, having every intention of abducting her for some outlet mall shopping and maybe something quick and cosmetic. Not a full spa day, but maybe just a mani-pedi or something. There'd been too much weight over everyone's head lately with the new bloodsucker in town. Time for some relaxing.

April 22nd, 2013

Attack of the Evil Grandfathers: Escape. @ 09:16 pm


Zeb had to admit it: as absurd villain team-ups went, the writers could have done much worse. Read more... )
He turned it off, smiling. "What about you, Denk? Want to give your boy's little girl a preview, to listen to just as the view cuts back and forth from the news to her blank little face?"

Happy Birthday Corey! (open) @ 03:58 pm


Anya sent Corey two pounds of shade grown chocolate. Along with the chocolate there was a card that said there was a donation of five thousand to the Rainforest Foundation.

April 21st, 2013

Keeping a Promise @ 12:46 am


 He couldn't believe he was doing this. Still, he'd given his word. Josh steadily breathed in his nose and out his mouth as he headed for the lab. The more he thought about it, the more it did make sense..of course that didn't stop fear from nestling in. He reached the lab, knocking gently on the door. He then realizes she likely won't hear that. He knocks louder.


April 20th, 2013

A New Page in History @ 09:09 pm


Cape Citadel, Florida, home to a portion of the United States nuclear arsenal.  Notable for being the first public target of the then-terrorist mutant Magneto and the first public appearance of the X-Men who battled him there.  Not especially remarkable in and of itself, but quite notable in that the events there first brought the idea of mutants and the causes involved to the public attention.  It was a day that changed everything.

In the decades since, the stock of mutants has risen and fallen, sometimes with a fair amount of public support, sometimes with even those who called themselves heroes a little afraid to show themselves in public.  In the time since, Magneto had gone from a wanted and hated terrorist to a leader of men, with a nation of his own.  The X-Men continued their fight for mutant rights and equality, trying to show the world that they to, could be heroes. 

Today... today was going to be a day for the history books again.

It began with a flash of energy in the middle of the base, a teleportation device, and the appearance of seven women.  One, monstrous like a giant frog.  Another, taller than all the rest and built like a truck.  A slender, pale woman in red and a similar looking woman with blue hair.  Another, a blonde, staying at the fringes.  Another, a beautiful red haired woman.

And last, in crimson and purple armor, cape trailing behind her, and dark helmet upon her head.  She floated on the air on currents of magnetic force, looking at the world like she owned it all.  In scant moments, they defeated the soldiers who came to challenge them, mutant powers making it all too easy.

One of the others, the frog-woman, pulled out a small, camera-like device and pointed it at her.

She raised a hand, and a magnetic force field sprang into existence around the base, bent just enough to allow her transmission through.  It would soon be appearing on every television in the country.

"People of the United States, I am Magneta, daughter of Magneto.  And for too long have you oppressed our people!  Today, as my father once did, we mutants strike back to take what is ours!  My X-Tremists and I have seized your nuclear arsenal.  We demand the total surrender of your government, or else I shall unleash them upon you.  Today is a call for all mutants to join us!  Rise up!  Rise up and join our cause!  Cast down your human oppressors!

To the government of the United States... you have twenty-four hours to abdicate.  You know what shall happen if my terms are not met."

The transmission ended there.

Open Mic Night at the Screaming Banshee @ 09:14 pm


It was Open Mic Night at the Screaming Banshee, a nightclub in new York, and open to all ages. Bands, singers and poets from all over the city were in attendance. The place was crowded, loud and the people were having fun.

Work Therapy (open) @ 08:35 pm


Tim had taken a week off after he had been rescued and it helped clear his head. He had argued that he was fine and wanted to get back in the lab, but they forced him to take a week off. As soon as he was allowed back in his lab he got back to work. Work was the best way for him to deal with what happened and to move on.

He /did/ have a lot to catch up on and had eagerly thrown himself at it.

April 18th, 2013

Not-So-Hot Hands. (Meme, Hajime.) @ 11:10 pm


After all the previous revelations and recriminations, Keiji's contacts had come through with more specific information. Names to trace and sift through. Information continued to progress. Much progress was being made.
Well, on the manhunt. Not so much on the fixing things. But the only blaming Amiko there was Amiko. She decided to stop, for a while, worrying if she was failing her various responsibilities and her friend and actually go to see her friend. He should be finishing his grueling routine right about now.

Winston and Vlad hanging out and the X-Mansion. @ 11:04 pm


Winston had gone into town to deal with some band drama. One would think a group of guys would be less drama filled that a damned girl group but no, there was always some sort of crap going down. After dealing with all their crap he decided to pick up a case since he was the type to share. If they went through the whole case he would be surprised. He hid the case in his duffle since he knew that Scott would freak out if he saw him with it, this way he figured he was being sneaky. He peeked his head into the rec room and saw Vlad. "Psst! Dude!" He stage whispered. "I got beer." He darted into the room and sat down next to him, putting the duffle between them. "It's in the bag." He needed less sketchy friends, he was starting to act like them.

Follow the Snarky Fortune Cookie @ 07:15 pm


 Valini pushed around her noodles, searching for some more pork or shrimp to catch with her chopsticks. There nothing like a near-death experience to make wanting to get away from work and have a lunch out more often. "Well,  all in all, it sounds like you had a rather exciting time." She smiled sympathetically across the table to Lena, shaking her head. "I thought lab rats were supposed to stay in the labs, make new and interesting ways to melt our coffee cups or blow up tanks and generally stay out of trouble. Minimal exposure to the Day Star, lots of coffee at all times and leave all the trouble to the cowboy-types in SHIELD." 

One of a Kind @ 09:02 pm


The Collector was always searching for unique and unusual items to add to his personal collection. He had numerous worlds filled with items he had collected over the eons. His attention had wandered away from Earth for awhile, but that changed. Now something unique caught his eye and he was determined to add it to his collection.

He landed on the front porch of the Defenders' compound. He blasted the door into oblivion and walked into the building.

No news is being good news and this news is being bad news @ 08:59 pm


Red was, in general, a very happy sentient. He had a job he enjoyed, he got to shoot people with very large guns. Min-Dee in R&D gave him tummy rubs and experimental weapons that were probably illegal in some sectors of the universe. He had good friends, he liked a good drink, and a good fight. He got all of those.

Which made it more curious as to why he was in one of the Station's bars, trying very hard to get very drunk, as very quickly as he could.

It probably had something to do with the datapad on the table, full of mail from home.

Rest, Recovery, and Hero Talk @ 01:46 am

Current Location: Derek's Apartment, NYC
Current Mood: relaxed

Dolemeck was encouraged to take two weeks off of work from his boss, after suffering a gun shot to his shoulder. At the hospital he was told how lucky he was that the bullet did not sever an artery in his shoulder, and that he did not bleed out. He also was hit on a bit by a few nurses who saw him without a shirt on, much to his shock and discomfort. he was happy when he was discharged and told to get plenty of bed rest and keep the would clean and bandaged properly. As he would have issues with changing his own bandages, he agreed to stay with Derek in his apartment and be cared for until he no longer needed to bandage and clean his wounds.

It had been a few days since he had been shot, and Derek had to explain to him about guns, bad people, and that Dolemeck should probably tell his parents what had happened. Dolemeck took these lessons to heart, but refused to call Bob and Venus up, feeling ashamed that he got hurt on his first day of work.

"Derek, I do not know how to thank you for such kindness." Dolemeck smiled, hissing as he held on to his shoulder while laying down on the couch in his cousin's apartment. "But we must talk. I wish to talk about us becoming heroes. I feel as though this is our fate... that or what I am feeling is that medicine that the doctors prescribed for me for the pain."

April 15th, 2013

Girl Stuff @ 10:44 pm


Cait entered Sylvie's bedroom and feel back on the bed with a smile on her face. "Life's pretty damn wonderful," she said. She looked at her best friend and grinned. "Hi!"

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay