His Skin is Not That Thick
He turned in after rubbing his old injury down with some cream so it wouldn't wake him up during the night. He hated how it smelt but it was better than the whole thing seizing up during the night. He rolled down his pant leg then turned off the light.
Sleep came quickly.
He was in his old police uniform that he wore for functions and he was at a big party. Everyone was there that he knew on the force plus his ex-wife and son. She doesn't look at him as if he is a terrible person. She looks at him with love. His son, his precious little boy looks proud to be there too.
Ezekiel feels happy. Then he gets asked to come up to the front. They are going to give him something for being a good detective. So he goes forward and notices dimly that everyone is turning into a more scary version of themselves. Something feels wrong but before he can touch his gun two long mechanical arms grab him and hold him down.
The Chief sneers at him. "Give the Mutie freak what he deserves."
His ex-wife and son look on with hatred.
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