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soothsayer ([info]soothsayer) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-13 21:09:00

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Entry tags:inactive - dream catcher, inactive - ezekiel brooks, plot-"nightmares of now"

His Skin is Not That Thick
He turned in after rubbing his old injury down with some cream so it wouldn't wake him up during the night. He hated how it smelt but it was better than the whole thing seizing up during the night. He rolled down his pant leg then turned off the light.

Sleep came quickly.

He was in his old police uniform that he wore for functions and he was at a big party. Everyone was there that he knew on the force plus his ex-wife and son. She doesn't look at him as if he is a terrible person. She looks at him with love. His son, his precious little boy looks proud to be there too.

Ezekiel feels happy. Then he gets asked to come up to the front. They are going to give him something for being a good detective. So he goes forward and notices dimly that everyone is turning into a more scary version of themselves. Something feels wrong but before he can touch his gun two long mechanical arms grab him and hold him down.

The Chief sneers at him. "Give the Mutie freak what he deserves."

His ex-wife and son look on with hatred.

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2010-01-14 02:19 am UTC (link)
This is a very different dream, one where much more drastic action is needed right away. Lucas quickly dreams himself a spear, attacking the mechanical arms as soon as he manifest, trying to free the man so they can flee the attackers, at least for the moment.
The first step to empowering the trapped is to give them options.

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2010-01-14 02:24 am UTC (link)
Ezekiel recognizes Lucas for a moment. But in the dream he thinks he's a cop still so his mind doesn't know how Lucas fits into the nightmare. But he struggles to get free of the mechanical arms. A brand with an 'm' burns brightly and starts to being itself closer to the former police detective.

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2010-01-14 02:30 am UTC (link)
Lucas pauses, beginning to understand. Being a mutant didn't just bring hatred of loved ones and loss, didn't just lose him a position with his job, it changed the man's image.

Fighting back violently may not help here, especially with such overwhelming odds.

So instead of fighting the odds, Lucas goes with the flow to try and fight the power of the nightmare another way. The spear disappears, and instead he dreams himself his pigments, and gives himself the same 'M' brand on his skin, resolved to go wherever they place Ezekiel in this dream.

He can accept being a mutant, with all its gains and losses, and at least now Ezekiel isn't entirely alone in his new isolation.

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2010-01-14 02:41 am UTC (link)
Isolation it is. They drag both mutants off to a dark prison with all kinds of strange mutants. They all have the same M brand on their bodies. Ezekiel and Lucas are taken to a dark cell in the far corner of the prison and are shoved inside.

"Don't leave us here!" He tries to keep them from shutting the door but his limp is worse than normal in the dream world so he doesn't get there fast enough.

"You can't do this to us," he shouts banging his fists impotently on the door.

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2010-01-14 02:43 am UTC (link)
Lucas sits down in his prison, moving to sit crosslegged. "They can do whatever they wish, they have the strength to do it. But you're not alone here."

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2010-01-14 02:45 am UTC (link)
"They left us alone. Away from the others," Ezekiel mutters before sliding down to the floor.

"I guess it makes sense. I have to be careful with my hands." He can't just go around touching things casually.

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2010-01-14 03:00 am UTC (link)
"Of course they left us alone. Isolation makes people feel weak. Separation lets them convince other people we are not like them. But you're not alone."

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2010-01-14 03:04 am UTC (link)
"I..." He trails off then nods to Lucas slowly. "Thanks Lucas."

He pats his uniform down and sighs. He wanted a smoke but they weren't here.

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2010-01-14 03:18 am UTC (link)
He nods. "You gave up a lot before you came to us. Tell me about your family."

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2010-01-14 03:33 am UTC (link)
"Mary and I were always complicated," Ezekiel says with a fond smile. "She had very low self-esteem when I first met her. She wore clothes that hid her shape and big glasses that weren't very flattering. I thought her voice was nice. We had an off and on relationship throughout college. My mutation kept me from going easy on her fragile ego and I hated how sometimes I would hurt her feelings."

He looks at his hands. "Our marriage wasn't easy. She hated the long hours I spent at work. She hated worrying if I would come home in one piece. It got to our son James t.. He's just a young kid. Only ten. He... He actually started calling me Dad after I got kicked off the force. He said he'd rather have me than the cop who might not come back. He's well spoken. Hates guns. Hates seeing people hurt. But he doesn't want me getting hurt like I did last year so I feel like I gotta be more careful. For James."

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2010-01-14 03:37 am UTC (link)
Lucas nods, considering all of that.
"He sounds like a good person, a son you can be proud of. It sounds like that was difficult though... you felt like being a cop was doing something important?"

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2010-01-14 03:46 am UTC (link)
"It was. I made a difference." He nods slowly. "I could see just far enough into th past to push my investigations ahead. I could stop killers. Save lives. James is young and children don't always understand what happens but I know he was afraid of me getting hurt. I didn't know how to comfort him."

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2010-01-14 03:54 am UTC (link)
"Its not the place of children to understand the world. But sometimes it is their place to remind their parents of what's really important. You do know that you're still making a difference, right?"

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2010-01-14 03:59 am UTC (link)
He blinks slowly and he nods at Lucas. "Yes. It's not the same as going over clues but... I like teaching. And my leg is happier that I'm not running after perps."

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2010-01-14 04:02 am UTC (link)
"Why does making a difference have to be the same thing? When one door closes, another one opens."
He concentrates on the ether, trying to fashion a key to open the door of the cell they were locked into.
"You're still a father, you're still a person with a real chance to shape the world, and leave it a better place than when you came in. The road still leads to the same place, you just have a more scenic route to getting there. Its true that you can't go back... but you've already seen what's back there. Do you think you can manage some new scenery instead?"

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2010-01-14 04:11 am UTC (link)
Lucas is obviously the team councilor. Not that Ezekiel is going to say that. He gives Lucas another nod.

"Yeah. I can do that."

He imagines something better past this door. All they need to do is walk through it.

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2010-01-14 04:24 am UTC (link)
Lucas opens the door and nods. "I can't walk the road for you, just open the door. I'll be one of a lot of people waiting for you on the other side, when you wake up though."

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2010-01-14 04:29 am UTC (link)
"I belive you. I'll see you when I wake up."

And Ezekiel steps out into a large grass filled field. It is bright and peaceful. He won't be bothered by his nightmare and will wake up in a few minutes.

He just wants to enjoy the peace for a moment.

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