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Chris Grant-Pym ([info]pym_kitten) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-04 02:25:00

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Entry tags:inactive - chris pym, inactive - dream catcher, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - molly hayes, plot-"waking up the pride", rachel summers, team - x-men, tsunami

Disruptions (bendytimed to before Brides of Set finale)
Chris' eyes opened sharply, the trance over her breaking. The people at large, and most of the honor guard, had had their resolve shaken by the outsiders' actions. The connection with the energy that fueled their civilization was disrupted. The stream of light cut off abruptly, and Chris sat up.

"...what?" She blinked, holding her head. The rattling of the jewlery that had been placed on her prompted her to open her eyes. "I... where am I? Who the hell... this... why am I tarted up like tribal fetish Barbie?!" She screamed, rolling off the altar, transforming back to her human form in her disorientation.

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2010-01-06 04:36 am UTC (link)
Molly kept a firm hand on Chris's arm, her eyes glowing purple.

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2010-01-06 04:37 am UTC (link)
Lyta flew straight towards one of the groups coming at them.

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2010-01-06 04:46 am UTC (link)
Cracked Claw is stunned, distracted from trying to punish Torn Ear. "What... who are you? No matter! The blood that flows across the altar shall be the blood that cleanses the earth!" He lunges at her with ceremonial dagger in hand.

The crowd pursuing Chris and Molly batters their staffs, clubs, and claws against the wall, cracking away at it slowly but surely.

The crowd by the temple hurls rocks at the flyer, shrieking in rage and fear at them.

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2010-01-06 04:50 am UTC (link)
Sharon easily accepts the 'no matter' conclusion as to who people are as well, when it comes to their trying to stab her. She quickly grabs his wrist and twists his arm around to the point of dislocation as she jumps off the altar.

Then she spots the girl coming towards them. "Redfur!" She exclaims with joyful recognition. "Wait...too young... Moira! From the Christmas Card" Her glee is completely undisturbed by her continuing to self-defense the living daylights out of her attacker.

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2010-01-06 03:32 pm UTC (link)
Molly pushed Chris behind her, ready to face their attackers.

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2010-01-08 08:53 pm UTC (link)
"Stop this!" Cracked Claw yelps as he tries to break the hold. "This isn't right! We should live on the surface! There's no place for the humAGH!"

He's cut off, for a good long while this time, by a left hook, as Elder Shadow is back on his feet.

"That... will be..." He breathes heavily as Cracked Claw goes limp in this newcomer's grip. "--QUITE enough." He turns to face out into the jungle and village, and spreads his arms, at which the darkness in the sky dissipates. "ALL OF THIS WILL CEASE, NOW!"

His voice, more than just reaching every corner of the valley, strikes with physical force, as the ground shakes and winds roar, but only for a moment. The disturbance is enough to calm most of the rabble-rousing, now that Cracked Claw isn't whipping them into a frenzy.

"My people... we have been so very wrong..."

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2010-01-10 07:06 pm UTC (link)
Lucas remains mostly focused on trying to heal his hand, but the mix of black and white magics from disrupting the ritual isn't making it any easier.

Despite the change in situation, and Cracked Claw's imminent defeat being obviously a good thing, he doesn't seem any more pleased with Elder Shadow and the rest.

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