Where Do You Go From Here?
Since Sarah and Rose's departure, Anya alternated between periods of lying on her bed and crying and working on a project in a manic state. She was like a pendulum swinging from one to the other with no middle ground. Food was forgotten about and sleep only came for a few hours after she cried herself to sleep.
She lost track of what day it was and how long exactly it had been since Sarah and Rose left.
In a short year Sarah had become a big part of Anya's life and part of the small inner circle of Anya's best friends. Sarah was like Captain America to her Iron Maiden, like Toni was her Rhodey and...well she still had to find a Pepper.
And Rose...gods. Anya practically grew up with Rose. Another one of her best friends was gone. Probably never to come back.
Anya buried her face in her pillow and cried more.
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