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nextgen_holiday ([info]nextgen_holiday) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-19 22:38:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, anya stark, awesome andrea, holiday, iason, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - chris pym, inactive - emily banner, inactive - gabriel, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - swashbuckler, inactive - valeria richards, kristoff vernard, lady devil, misha loganovich, nicholas salem, npc - black widow, npc - pepper potts, npc - tony stark, plot-"we are the champions", sammy fury, team - avengers, tsunami, vincent vernard

I Could Have Danced All Night
The grand ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel on 57 East 57th street was festively decorated for the holidays. A series of lit candles on every table gave off warm light and the dulcet tones of a jazz ensemble filled the room.

People, the upper elite of New York society, Hollywood celebrities, musicians, politicians and New York’s own superheroes moved around the room. People sat at tables and talked, while some moved gracefully around the large dance floor.

Tables loaded with unwrapped and unopened toys lined one wall and at one end stood a very large decorated Christmas tree. Wrapped presents sat under the tree, but they were just empty boxes wrapped for decoration. Mistletoe hung from the ceiling near the tree and people stopped to kiss.

The air was light and the mood happy and festive.

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2009-12-22 08:22 am UTC (link)
"Thank you, I appreciate that. And this is true, she can also learn new languages in the more typical Eternal fashion, should she need to. And... I was not aware of this particular tradition."

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2009-12-22 08:24 am UTC (link)
"Well it's not like we exactly broadcast it, put it in the charter or mention it on tours." For a beginner, Iason was a good dancer. "You mean read minds or something like that?"

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2009-12-22 08:29 am UTC (link)
"Of course not, just a bit of Avengers' lore I was unaware of. And yes, most Eternals, when they need to, can pick up enough of locals' thoughts to piece and translate most languages temporarily, or communicate past language barriers, for the more telepathically gifted."

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2009-12-22 08:32 am UTC (link)
"That'd be nice to have. It'd make things a lot easier. Chinese is by far the most complicated that I've seen."

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2009-12-22 08:35 am UTC (link)
That gets a bit of a scrunched face. "Agreed, especially differing between Cantonese, Mandarin and the less widely used dialects. Its an interesting study, but it will be a long time before I get used to any of it. Anyway, have you decided what you're going to be focusing on in school, other than business?"

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2009-12-22 08:37 am UTC (link)
"I've been studying Mandarin for a year now." Anya smiled. "Programming of course. I know Dad was hoping for engineering, but code is more me than building things."

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2009-12-22 08:46 am UTC (link)
"And you have a gift for it. At the rate you're going, it won't be long before Stark Inc is catching up with some of the Shi'ar computer works and capabilities, and you're already ahead of them in most computerized weapons capabilities at personal scales."

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2009-12-22 08:53 am UTC (link)
"We're trying to avoid the whole weapons thing," Anya said. "First we'd have to get the company back. Family can be a bitch at times."

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2009-12-22 08:55 am UTC (link)
"Well yes, but the Iron Man suits are still more advanced than most cultures can approach, but then few try and put so much investment into single combatants. As for Maggie, yes, I'd heard. I'm sorry about that. I have every faith that your father will figure it out though."

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2009-12-22 09:00 am UTC (link)
"He will. This isn't the first time he lost the company. I have faith in him and Mom. Together they can be quite the team." She tilted her head. "I almost feel sorry for my Aunt."

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2009-12-22 09:02 am UTC (link)
"History would seem to support that idea, yes. Particularly with both of your parents working on it. I'm certain she won't know what hit her when its all done with."

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2009-12-22 09:04 am UTC (link)
Anya grinned. "We can only hope." The song was winding down and came to an end. Anya gave him a curtsy. "Thank you for the dance."

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2009-12-22 09:07 am UTC (link)
"Its been a pleasure, as always. I we should get back to our respective dates, but I'll be about, and see you at the mansion if not sooner. Welcome home again, by the way."

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2009-12-22 09:11 am UTC (link)
"Of course you'll see me. You owe me a curry dish." Anya grinned. "Thanks." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "See you later."

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