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nextgen_holiday ([info]nextgen_holiday) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-19 22:38:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, anya stark, awesome andrea, holiday, iason, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - chris pym, inactive - emily banner, inactive - gabriel, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - swashbuckler, inactive - valeria richards, kristoff vernard, lady devil, misha loganovich, nicholas salem, npc - black widow, npc - pepper potts, npc - tony stark, plot-"we are the champions", sammy fury, team - avengers, tsunami, vincent vernard

I Could Have Danced All Night
The grand ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel on 57 East 57th street was festively decorated for the holidays. A series of lit candles on every table gave off warm light and the dulcet tones of a jazz ensemble filled the room.

People, the upper elite of New York society, Hollywood celebrities, musicians, politicians and New York’s own superheroes moved around the room. People sat at tables and talked, while some moved gracefully around the large dance floor.

Tables loaded with unwrapped and unopened toys lined one wall and at one end stood a very large decorated Christmas tree. Wrapped presents sat under the tree, but they were just empty boxes wrapped for decoration. Mistletoe hung from the ceiling near the tree and people stopped to kiss.

The air was light and the mood happy and festive.

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2009-12-21 12:30 am UTC (link)
Good thing she's planning on being calm, because Vincent and his date are actually approaching.

He raises a hand in greeting to Iason. "Hello again, Iason, was it? Nice to see you again." He gestures to the lovely creature on his arm. "This is my girlfriend, Andrea Denker. And the charming thing with you?" He smiles, extending his hand to the lady.

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2009-12-21 01:40 am UTC (link)
"Yes, a pleasure Miss Denker, I've heard good things. Good to see you again Mr. Amorason." He allows Eliza to introduce herself as she sees fit.

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2009-12-21 02:14 am UTC (link)
"Hello Andrea," Eliza greets with a small wave of her hand. Then she turns her head and offers a small smile. "Elizaveta Romanov. It's a pleasure."

Okay so it wasn't entirely true. She was getting used to him not being evil.

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2009-12-21 02:52 am UTC (link)
"Please, Iason, call me Andrea," she told him.

She smiled and exchanged a wave with Eliza. "It is good to see you again, Eliza. I trust you are well?"

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2009-12-21 03:18 am UTC (link)
"A pleasure." Vincent actually remembered her from the video review of the females, but that obviously wasn't up for discussion. He turns his head back to Iason. "Please, Vincent. I hope you two are enjoying yourselves this evening?"

He still couldn't put his finger on why Eliza had been staring at him. She certainly seemed happily attached to Iason, so what was the meaning of that?

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2009-12-21 03:20 am UTC (link)
"Andrea and Vincent then, a pleasure. And yes, we're quite enjoying the evening so far. This is quite the spectacular event."

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2009-12-21 03:36 am UTC (link)
Eliza glances around then decides just to get on with it. Obviously Vincent knows she had been staring so she'll just apologize since he wasn't the Von Doom who she would never trust.

He was someone else. Who just happened to look like him on a different version of Earth. Yeah this wasn't complicated at all. "Vincent. I'd like to apologize for staring at you. You just reminded me of someone I knew from back home."

She smiles genuinely at them both. "My reaction was just unexpected. I hope you weren't uncomfortable."

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2009-12-21 03:42 am UTC (link)
"Back home?" Andrea asked, then nodded slightly as she called up the appropriate file. "Ah yes. You are from an alternate universe originally."

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2009-12-21 04:01 am UTC (link)
A ripple of unease washes through Vincent again. He doesn't like the idea of not being a unique individual. Not just for the sake of ego, but as deep as his paternal issues run, he doesn't want to imagine the monster having a legacy in any world.

"I.. to say the least, I'd assume the two of you weren't cordial with one another."

He manages an attempt at preserving his dignity with a bemused chuckle and a comment. "I never thought I'd have a young woman apologizing for staring at me. I have a history of endeavoring to have everyone in the room with their eyes on me."

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2009-12-21 04:59 am UTC (link)
"It can be a difficulty when crossing universal boundaries, as a few beings can do, though its usually accidental. Most people have any number of alternate versions of themselves somewhere, many of them not terribly recognizable to people who know one version."

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2009-12-21 05:13 am UTC (link)
"And you guessed correctly Vincent," Eliza says deciding to not beat around the bush.

"I just decided you can't be like your counterpart based on what you gave for the charity, the fact no one is acting aggressively towards you, and well Andrea is a good character reference. She's very logical." Eliza looks slightly embarrassed. "The last thing I want to do is judge you based on the actions of someone else. It isn't fair."

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2009-12-21 06:20 pm UTC (link)
"Vincent is most assuredly not like the version you likely experienced," Andrea assured Eliza. "He is not without his flaws, but he is most heroic."

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2009-12-22 04:33 am UTC (link)
Vincent looks Eliza in the eye. Not confrontationally, but with purpose.

"I've got evil in me, more than the average person, and it's something I've struggled with, but I have a family," he squeezes Andrea's hand "and other exceptional individuals, that have helped me through it."

He hesitates, then speaks up again. "If it's alright with you, and not upsetting in any unreasonable amount for you... I'd like if we could speak about the other version of me at some point." A smile. "But not tonight. I'm an embarrassment to gentleman, talking about such dismal matters in front of beautiful women."

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2009-12-22 09:00 am UTC (link)
Iason, at least, seems mostly curious over anything. "Dimensional and chronal theory is interesting material. There's all sorts of divergent ways any individual might go while outwardly being quite similar. From universe to universe, I can't see why the expectations would be for most individuals to not differ a considerable amount."

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2009-12-22 10:23 pm UTC (link)
"It's not upsetting. Just very strange. I would be okay with sitting down sometime to talk to you about it. I highly doubt anything bad will come of just talking it over." Eliza found herself taking this a lot better than she should. "Besides. I'd rather forget him. I hope you two have fun. Everything looks so nice that it would be a shame to start talking about ghosts."

It had to be because she had gotten used to this Earth. She had also warmed up to the idea that because of different realities that Vincent really was just another guy who happened to have some things in common with a villian from her world. It made it easier to not clench her hand into a fist anyways.

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2009-12-23 03:07 am UTC (link)
Andrea nods in agreement with Iason. "It is interesting to map the potential variables in world to world," she agreed. Her own experiences with those were fairly slim, limited to an excursion to the Negative Zone, and the semi-recent time-travel trip.

"But I too would be interested in hearing more."

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2009-12-23 05:58 am UTC (link)
Vincent nods to all points, then gestures towards one of the tables with refreshments. "Why not illuminate us about something more pleasing from your own world over some drinks then?" He smiles and inclines his head.

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2009-12-23 06:02 am UTC (link)
Iason smiles at Andrea, "It is, especially if you accept all the tenets of the known Kang continuum chronal variables and dimensional offshoot theory, which seem to mostly bear out upon the limited opportunities for study." he agrees, before turning back to Vincent. "Drinks are certainly welcome, what would everyone prefer?"

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2009-12-23 06:09 am UTC (link)
"Just a coke," Eliza says with a small mile. She tries to think about something really good she can share. Something that might not break their world view like mentioning the Frost-Summers spawn might.

"Would you like to hear about the orginal Fantastic Four? I have some interesting stories."

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2009-12-23 04:43 pm UTC (link)
"I have attempted to understand the Kang-continuum before," Andrea confessed. "It caused my hard drive to briefly crash."

She nodded. "A coke would be fine for me as well. And I would much enjoy hearing about the Fantastic four."

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2009-12-23 06:32 pm UTC (link)
Vincent smiles and nods, pouring cokes for himself and the ladies. "I've studied various incarnations of the Fantastic Four, and found numerous recursive elements. Kristoff and Cassandra seem to be not common, but not unheard of, while myself and Andrea, of my findings so far, are unique to this world."

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2009-12-23 07:24 pm UTC (link)
"Interesting, the Kang continuum are a regular course among some of the Shi'ars advanced academies, though there's still a lot unknown." he agrees, getting a coke for himself as well.
"Interesting, though my access to precise otherdimensional lore is limited. I know more about the theories and timestream science than actual incarnations across worlds."

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