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nextgen_holiday ([info]nextgen_holiday) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-19 22:38:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, anya stark, awesome andrea, holiday, iason, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - chris pym, inactive - emily banner, inactive - gabriel, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - swashbuckler, inactive - valeria richards, kristoff vernard, lady devil, misha loganovich, nicholas salem, npc - black widow, npc - pepper potts, npc - tony stark, plot-"we are the champions", sammy fury, team - avengers, tsunami, vincent vernard

I Could Have Danced All Night
The grand ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel on 57 East 57th street was festively decorated for the holidays. A series of lit candles on every table gave off warm light and the dulcet tones of a jazz ensemble filled the room.

People, the upper elite of New York society, Hollywood celebrities, musicians, politicians and New York’s own superheroes moved around the room. People sat at tables and talked, while some moved gracefully around the large dance floor.

Tables loaded with unwrapped and unopened toys lined one wall and at one end stood a very large decorated Christmas tree. Wrapped presents sat under the tree, but they were just empty boxes wrapped for decoration. Mistletoe hung from the ceiling near the tree and people stopped to kiss.

The air was light and the mood happy and festive.

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2009-12-21 12:13 am UTC (link)
"Thank you," Val said, kissing him back on the cheek. "You know...I really do like you, James."

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2009-12-21 12:18 am UTC (link)
James gulped and turned redder. "Uh...I like you too. You're nice and uh...pretty...and uh...good at video games."

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2009-12-21 12:23 am UTC (link)
They weren't even standing over mistletoe this time. Val leaned in, planting a long kiss on his lips.

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2009-12-21 03:48 am UTC (link)
James returned the kiss, but not too enthusiastically. He knew her parents were here and probably watching.

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2009-12-22 06:19 am UTC (link)
Oh Jimmy, it's not her parents you should be afraid of. Not by a long shot.

There is a clearing of a throat behind the couple. "Mind freeing up the spot under that bit of green and red?"

And there is a... well, not an Angry Vincent, but one that is at least Distinctly Concerned, with Andrea on his arm. "Good evening Valeria." He looks James in the eye. "Nice to meet you again, James." His voice is cool.

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2009-12-22 06:21 am UTC (link)
Val blushed, breaking away from James with a bit of a jump. "Vincent! Hi!"

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2009-12-22 06:24 am UTC (link)
"Vincent," he said with a polite nod. "Andrea. It's good to see you both."

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2009-12-22 06:28 am UTC (link)
Val collected herself, giving Vincent a smirk.

Yeah, it's exactly what it looks like.

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2009-12-22 04:57 pm UTC (link)
"Hello, Valeria. It is good to see you as well, James," Andrea said, briefly giving Vincent a look which clearly communicated, behave.

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2009-12-22 07:02 pm UTC (link)
Vincent gave his girlfriend a look that communicated I am behaving! Before going any further with the matter, he tugged her under the mistletoe and gave her an unrushed kiss.

After breaking away smiled and looked at James intently. "So... I understand you and Valeria have been spending some personal time together."

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2009-12-22 08:13 pm UTC (link)
"If you mean personal time by spending time with her at Steve's birthday and escorting her here tonight, then yes we are. Otherwise Vincent, I would think that you're implying at something else." James did not back down. Not in the least.

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2009-12-22 10:58 pm UTC (link)
Val crossed her arms over her chest. "What he said."

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2009-12-23 02:59 am UTC (link)
It was only through a direct countermand of a pre-programed response that Andrea was able to avoid sighing.

"Vincent," Andrea said firmly, "if you do not stop this line of inquisition immediately, I shall be forced to have cross words with you."

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2009-12-23 05:10 am UTC (link)
Vincent furrows his brow. "I didn't mean 'personal time' in any intimate way. I just meant... well, you're both too old for the term 'play date' to have been appropriate."

He sighs, collecting his thoughts as he rubs his forehead. "My apologies. I've been told I'm somewhat overprotective of Valeria."

He clears his throat. "Consider this the obligatory older brother, adoptive figure in my case, meeting the prospective boyfriend moment. Please take good care of her if it goes past prospective."

He gives Andrea and Valeria a look that says 'Is that all right?</i>'

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2009-12-23 05:16 am UTC (link)
"Yeah..." Val said with a smirk, "Just a tad. Worse than Franklin." Good Vincent. No blood spilled.

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2009-12-23 04:40 pm UTC (link)
Andrea smiled a small smile. "Thank-you," she told Vincent. No force fields necessary. This was a good thing.

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