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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-18 03:44:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - daniel sherwood, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - swashbuckler, inactive - valeria richards, kristoff vernard, lady devil, misha loganovich, npc - black widow, sammy fury, team - avengers

It had been a very busy week, but things were finally ready for Steve’s party. Misha and Charlie had taken him out so they could decorate the mansion and get all the tables for food set up. Once the tables were set up, there were enough hands to get all the trays of food out on the tables in very little time.

Anya wouldn’t have asked Jarvis to cook so much, so it had been catered. Jarvis had insisted on making the cake though.

Hor'dourves consisted of cocktail shrimp, chicken satay, beef satay, peking dumplings, pigs in a blanket among a few. Pizzas, a wide selection of various Chinese food selections, chips, pretzels, Doritos, popcorn, cola, diet cola, root beer, Sprite, punch (unspiked), and cider (not hard) were also available for consumption. There was even a chocolate fountain with pieces of fruit available for dipping.

Brightly colored balloons and streamers filled the rec room along with a large banner saying ‘Happy Birthday Steve’. It was hanging over the tables. One table was set aside for gifts and many brightly colored packages filled the table.

Now all they had to do was wait for the birthday boy to arrive.

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2009-12-19 03:43 am UTC (link)
"I've never been to one of these things before," she said, trying to perk up a little, "I could see where the Russian ones wouldn't be your favorite...not speaking any Russian myself. Maybe I should fix that. I could probably learn the basics in a couple of days....and be fluent within a year or two."

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2009-12-19 03:49 am UTC (link)
"They're pretty boring. Not to mention they parade girls in front of Misha and I in hopes one of them will catch our eye." James shrugged and then paused. "A year or two? That's it?"

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2009-12-19 03:51 am UTC (link)
Val snickered. "That sounds like something out of a Victorian novel." She nodded, grinning. "I'm a fast learner."

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2009-12-19 04:03 am UTC (link)
James shrugged. "I guess it's part of the whole deal. I try to keep a low profile." He smiled a little. "Maybe after you learn it you could teach me."

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2009-12-19 04:05 am UTC (link)
"I could see where you'd want to do that. The spotlight isn't for everyone." She smiled widely. "I could be your private tutor and you could wow them with your knowledge of the Russian language."

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2009-12-19 04:17 am UTC (link)
He smiled. "I'd like that." He nervously sipped his soda.

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2009-12-19 04:19 am UTC (link)
"If I learn Russian, you'll be the first I teach it to." She sipped her soda, grinning. "Promise."

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2009-12-19 04:22 am UTC (link)
"Okay," he said with a smile. "Um, are you hungry or anything?"

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2009-12-19 04:23 am UTC (link)
"A little," she said, "I didn't eat much today. We could make our way over to the food table, I guess."

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2009-12-19 04:25 am UTC (link)
"Okay," he said and waited for her to lead.

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2009-12-19 04:28 am UTC (link)
She made her way over to the food table, trying her best not to drool when she got a whiff of all the different smells. "Everything looks, really, really good."

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2009-12-19 04:30 am UTC (link)
James set his soda down and grabbed a plate. He held it for her so she would be free to easily get what she wanted. "Did you see the chocolate fountain?"

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2009-12-19 04:34 am UTC (link)
"Yeah," Val said as she surveyed the various dishes in front of her. "I had to refrain myself from diving into it."

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2009-12-19 04:39 am UTC (link)
James' mouth went very dry and he swallowed past the lump now in his throat at the mental image. He shuffled uncomfortably.

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2009-12-19 02:42 pm UTC (link)
Yeah...that was awkward. "Cheese cube?" Val asked with a tiny smile, holding the small block of cheddar.

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2009-12-19 03:12 pm UTC (link)
"Sure." James never turned down food. He carefully took it from her. "Thanks."

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2009-12-19 03:19 pm UTC (link)
Val took a bite of her own cheese cube. "There really is a lot of good food," she said, "I'm not going to be able to eat anything for two days after this."

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2009-12-19 03:22 pm UTC (link)
James smiled. "I can always eat. I'm always hungry."

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2009-12-19 03:26 pm UTC (link)
Val giggled. Something she did a lot when she was around him. "Guys normally are. Franklin could eat an entire extra-large pizza and still be hungry."

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2009-12-19 03:28 pm UTC (link)
"Same here," he grinned. "I'm hungry five minutes after eating."

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2009-12-19 03:36 pm UTC (link)
"It takes me a little bit longer." She smirked. "I like to let my food digest a little before I chow down again."

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2009-12-19 03:48 pm UTC (link)
"We can eat a little bit then play Guitar Hero again. I can eat more later."

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2009-12-19 04:21 pm UTC (link)
Val nodded. "Sounds like a great plan to me."

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